So I played 12 holes of golf for the first time in a LONG time


Heisman Winner
Oct 8, 2001
last week with my 11 year old son down in Myrtle Beach.

He's loves playing and had been dying to play on a "real" course. His HSP and Vasculitis condition limited us to 12 holes though, but he had a blast and I forgot how fun and frustrating it can be at times.

Lately he's been practicing at home with the German Shepard, hitting the ball and then Major (the GSD I named after The Major) chasing them down and bringing them back. Aside from Major getting smacked in the face by a ball once in a while, it's a setup that's working good for him.

He's looking at wanting clubs for his 12th birthday now. Currently he's using a "kids" set that has a Wedge, a 7 and 5 iron, and 3 woods. Not sure what's the best route. A cheaper used set since he'll grow into them?

Doc what did you do with your son as he grew?
Glad to hear your son is interested and even better that you are being the good father that you are and being part of it. Golf will last a lifetime with him. At age 11, he is getting past the age for junior clubs but regulation men's clubs might still be too big for him. What I did with my son is at an early age, he had a junior set then around 12, I bought him a men's starter set including a bag for less than $300. Full set and a darn nice bag and he is still using them the few times he plays at age 20. But keep in mind, my son is nothing like doc's as it pertains to the game. So that is an option as is getting him a set of used clubs. Don't buy him new men's clubs until at least 15 or 16, imo.

This post was edited on 4/15 7:19 AM by WVUBRU
I wouldn't invest a lot of money in a set at this point. For an 11 yo boy, you probably want something a senior player would use as far as shaft flex. Maybe a women's set although he won't like that idea. You can fine some really good deals on ebay. I think I got my son his first real set when he was 13. Before that he had a set of "little Berthas" and graduated up to set of Nike junior clubs. I think Nike had about three different lengths for various ages. they were pretty decent clubs and not too pricey. I think Target sold them at one time.
Thanks for the tips. I'm going to look for a used

Junior set to get him by until he's big enough for an "adult" set.

He's all into wanting to get "all the clubs", but I told to to worry about just getting good with the ones he has. Hit it straight, putt good and it'll all work itself out in the end.