So a Muslim woman sits next to me on the bus today...


Gold Member
Mar 16, 2014
I assume she was Muslim because she had the head to toe garb on with only her face showing. The forecast high for today is 97 degrees and she has to cover head to toe except for face. And the clothes have to be black. All because some guy 1400 years ago started a religion. It's sad, awful and patently ridiculous.
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I assume she was Muslim because she had the head to toe garb on with only her face showing. The forecast high for today is 97 degrees and she has to cover head to toe except for face. And the clothes have to be black. All because some guy 1400 years ago started a religion. It's sad, awful and patently ridiculous.

Wow, Muslim shaming.....
I assume she was Muslim because she had the head to toe garb on with only her face showing. The forecast high for today is 97 degrees and she has to cover head to toe except for face. And the clothes have to be black. All because some guy 1400 years ago started a religion. It's sad, awful and patently ridiculous.
They are actually fairly comfortable, that extends to the men's dress as well.
Wow, Muslim shaming.....

It's sad but true that some really would respond to a sentiment like I expressed as saying I'm being Islamophobic. No matter how badly they treat their women, they're not the bigot but if you point it out you're the bigot.

Hilary BTW glamorized that garb during the campaign a bit which IMO is one reason why Trumps p---y grabbing remark didn't gain much traction. You can't gain points by saying the other guy treats women badly if your track record shows you don't really have a problem with men treating women badly.
They are actually fairly comfortable, that extends to the men's dress as well.

Yeah, the reason people wear short pants and short sleeved shirts and no form fitting head gear when it's 97 degrees outside is because they want to be uncomfortable.
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It's sad but true that some really would respond to a sentiment like I expressed as saying I'm being Islamophobic. No matter how badly they treat their women, they're not the bigot but if you point it out you're the bigot.

Hilary BTW glamorized that garb during the campaign a bit which IMO is one reason why Trumps p---y grabbing remark didn't gain much traction. You can't gain points by saying the other guy treats women badly if your track record shows you don't really have a problem with men treating women badly.

No matter how Islamophobic you may or may not be; at no point did I say or intimate that you were Islamophobic. What you were doing is shaming her for following her convictions and her dressing according to them.
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No matter how Islamophobic you may or may not be; at no point did I say or intimate that you were Islamophobic. What you were doing is shaming her for following her convictions and her dressing according to them.

I wasn't saying you were saying it. In fact I thought you were being sarcastic.

Followers of fundamentalist religion aren't allowed to have their own convictions.

ETA: This is especially true of women. Do you think women dress like that because they have full freedom of choice and decide that's what they want to dress like? At best they say they want to dress like that because they've been indoctrinated in it since birth.
I assume she was Muslim because she had the head to toe garb on with only her face showing. The forecast high for today is 97 degrees and she has to cover head to toe except for face. And the clothes have to be black. All because some guy 1400 years ago started a religion. It's sad, awful and patently ridiculous.
She could have had a very bad burn and needed to cover her body to protect it from exposure.
Yeah, the reason people wear short pants and short sleeved shirts and no form fitting head gear when it's 97 degrees outside is because they want to be uncomfortable.
Annnnnnd you once again display your ignorance.
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I wasn't saying you were saying it. In fact I thought you were being sarcastic.

Followers of fundamentalist religion aren't allowed to have their own convictions.

ETA: This is especially true of women. Do you think women dress like that because they have full freedom of choice and decide that's what they want to dress like? At best they say they want to dress like that because they've been indoctrinated in it since birth.
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I assume she was Muslim because she had the head to toe garb on with only her face showing. The forecast high for today is 97 degrees and she has to cover head to toe except for face. And the clothes have to be black. All because some guy 1400 years ago started a religion. It's sad, awful and patently ridiculous.
Actually you would be surprised how much clothing Muslims and non Muslims wear in the desert in Countries like Turkey and Iraq. long pants and sweaters for the men in 120 degree heat, we'd be sweating like hell and they'd be cool and dry, could never figure it out. It ain't a Muslim thing. But then, I think it is ridiculous that Mormons have holy underwear, most religion makes you stupid.
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What you were doing is shaming her for following her convictions and her dressing according to them.
Indeed. It makes me wonder if he would have made a similar comment about an Amish woman - they wear long dresses, dark colors, and bonnets, and all because some guy in Switzerland 400 years ago said they should. [eyeroll]
I assume she was Muslim because she had the head to toe garb on with only her face showing. The forecast high for today is 97 degrees and she has to cover head to toe except for face. And the clothes have to be black. All because some guy 1400 years ago started a religion. It's sad, awful and patently ridiculous.

It's 2017, why the **** are you assuming their gender?
It's 2017, why the **** are you assuming their gender?

How dare you judge me on the words I wrote. Although you saw the words on the screen you can't know if I identify with having the opinion those words expressed. Don't try to tell me my identity!
That's partly my point too. When women in other religions have to dress in ridiculous outfits we (accurately) call them oppressed.
That's highly presumptuous. They are only oppressed by your respective definition first of all. Moreover, you allow your religious bias to influence your thinking. Basically, you are a classic intolerant liberal due to you atheism influencing your bias. Not sure how you could argue women of the Amish faith are repressed. That is a life they willingly choose. They have an opportunity to leave it if they choose. Not so much with Islam in predominantly Islamic countries where women are inherently oppressed through governmental constructs.
That's highly presumptuous. They are only oppressed by your respective definition first of all. Moreover, you allow your religious bias to influence your thinking. Basically, you are a classic intolerant liberal due to you atheism influencing your bias. Not sure how you could argue women of the Amish faith are repressed. That is a life they willingly choose. They have an opportunity to leave it if they choose. Not so much with Islam in predominantly Islamic countries where women are inherently oppressed through governmental constructs.

If you know you'll endure severe social sanctions by leaving a religion (or by doing any particular thing) then you are being coerced to do it. It's not that you can't not do but it rather that it's very difficult and risky to not do it.

Megan Phelps-Roper is interesting to read about. She is from the religious sect that goes to soldiers funerals and yells "God hates fags." She got out. But some of the people that get out don't have a good outcome. Being estranged from your family and social support system can be very damaging.
If you know you'll endure severe social sanctions by leaving a religion (or by doing any particular thing) then you are being coerced to do it. It's not that you can't not do but it rather that it's very difficult and risky to not do it.

Megan Phelps-Roper is interesting to read about. She is from the religious sect that goes to soldiers funerals and yells "God hates fags." She got out. But some of the people that get out don't have a good outcome. Being estranged from your family and social support system can be very damaging.
Like you'd ever acknowledge you were wrong, when you clearly were in this thread. First with the ignorance of the attire's appeal and secondly with you applying your set of principles on another faith you don't understand.
Like you'd ever acknowledge you were wrong, when you clearly were in this thread. First with the ignorance of the attire's appeal and secondly with you applying your set of principles on another faith you don't understand.

I don't know what you're talking about. But yes, I'm not a fan of religious fundamentalism that force people to dress a certain way. And it's even worse when the people in question are defined as second class citizens as is usually the case when it comes to women and religious fundamentalism.
How dare you judge me on the words I wrote. Although you saw the words on the screen you can't know if I identify with having the opinion those words expressed. Don't try to tell me my identity!

Now you are assuming that I assumed your assumption of gender assumption. Patriarchy
Actually you would be surprised how much clothing Muslims and non Muslims wear in the desert in Countries like Turkey and Iraq. long pants and sweaters for the men in 120 degree heat, we'd be sweating like hell and they'd be cool and dry, could never figure it out. It ain't a Muslim thing. But then, I think it is ridiculous that Mormons have holy underwear, most religion makes you stupid.
my dad told me about WW2 where during really hot weather they would practically pour the hot coffee down you....he amazingly said it helped keep you cool.........I tried it once during real hot weather....didn't work so well for me
Sorry, can't help myself, but when I saw the title of this thread I was thinking completely different of the contents......

She could have had a very bad burn and needed to cover her body to protect it from exposure.
Could have, but really doubt that is an explanation of her attire. Anything COULd be possible, but statistics are not in your favor on this one. My analysis--less that 1 chance in a million that she is covered for a legitimate reason not called chorea.
I still have my shemaghs from when I was over there...

I'm sure Dog has a few himself...
Could have, but really doubt that is an explanation of her attire. Anything COULd be possible, but statistics are not in your favor on this one. My analysis--less that 1 chance in a million that she is covered for a legitimate reason not called chorea.
Tongue in cheek response. Not serious, sorry