Season is over, time for Huggs to change it up


Sep 18, 2007
Let McCabe freaking play! This nonsense of pulling him every mistake while keeping a few others out there that make mistake after mistake is getting stupid. If Sags doesn't want to play, then tell him he's done for the season. Lamont needs to go somewhere, maybe Fairmont State has a place for him and Routt? Harler too.

We have lost to Buffalo, Western KY, and now Rhode Island..........and a really bad Florida team.
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Let McCabe freaking play! This nonsense of pulling him every mistake while keeping a few others out there that make mistake after mistake is getting stupid. If Sags doesn't want to play, then tell him he's done for the season. Lamont needs to go somewhere, maybe Fairmont State has a place for him and Routt? Harler too.

We have lost to Buffalo, Western KY, and now Rhode Island..........and a really bad Florida team.
I don't know how anyone could watch this game and think West is the problem and McCabe is the answer. McCabe was absolutely lost on defense and took bad shots leading to run outs.
I don't know how anyone could watch this game and think West is the problem and McCabe is the answer. McCabe was absolutely lost on defense and took bad shots leading to run outs.

McCabe took two shots if my memory is correct. He hit a 3-pointer. As for defense, I dare you to go back and count the times that Lamont has been backdoored on defense. I will give you a hint: it's double figures.
I have yet to see anyone playing defense on this team.
McCabe took two shots if my memory is correct. He hit a 3-pointer. As for defense, I dare you to go back and count the times that Lamont has been backdoored on defense. I will give you a hint: it's double figures.
McCabe only played 5 minutes. West played 25.
Going to be a long year, even without a postseason bid.

Unless things change quickly, there will be no postseason this year. This team will be sub .500, possibly before we start B12 play. Last week we were making fun of sPitt. At least they have some good young players and a coach that will light a fire under their butts. I'm afraid our trip to sPitt next year will not be pleasant at all.
Well, we ain't exactly a perennial power year after year. This year ain't ours, just have to focus on improvement and do our best.
Until Huggs changes assistants there will not be a long-term improvement. They have a set
way to evaluating recruits and without changes in staff there won't be a change in that
system of evaluation - we just have to deal with it. Don't get me wrong I don't like it one bit,
but it's just the way it is. This process has resulted in 1) not properly evaluating recruits about
what it takes to be a major college play (ie going to class and working hard in gym). 2) general attitude
on being coachable (understanding that they did successfully in high school probably won't work
in college 3) in connection with #2 be willing to change style of play to fit in 4) repeating WILLING TO WORK
HARD AND FOLLOW coaches' direction.
To me these four things are not emphasized or evaluated enough during the recruiting process - just look
back. This bunch seems to be lacking each of these in a big way.