Science finally agrees with me, human intellect is diminishing

So the evolutionary rubber ball hit the ceiling and bounced back. Odd. You would have thought we would have kept "progressing" rather than "regressing". If you recall, I told Big Clay 2 months ago about a secular study that concluded the same. I'm sure this new conclusion will be based on the birth rate of Muslims or something. They are pretty stupid. Can't be blamed on the birthing of these cracker Evangelical Christians that behead people, stone them, and set Atheists on fire. Nope. Their reproduction rate has been trending down for years now.
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Just to be clear, this is not some open and shut conclusion and I think you'll find as much if not more in the other direction. And on top of that, I wonder if the relevant definition of "smarter" in this case is changing over time.
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Just to be clear, this is not some open and shut conclusion and I think you'll find as much if not more in the other direction. And on top of that, I wonder if the relevant definition of "smarter" in this case is changing over time.

Oh, of course it's not an open or shut case in your eyes. Big shocker there. It does not line up with your ideology, so there's no way in hell you would concede the reports of both secular and non-secular think tanks concluding the same possesses any validity.

You see what you want to see.
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There is research concluding humans get getting more intelligent. Look it up if you're interested.
We provide our very young children with play stations, IPADS, phones that talk back, voice activated apps, and other technolgical things. You could had a three year old a rock and he would look for the button on it as it has to do something and whatever it does, it does fast. Everything is push button friendly. Heck, most things don't even have a button! So from the ages of 2-5 we have them on speed dial. Then, we start them in school and tell them they will have to sit and be quite for hours on end. Probably why so many kids are on medicine to sloe them down?

Don's get me wrong, I love technology, but I also see where it has moved kids from outside the house playing in creeks, climbing trees, or jsut exploring the enivironemnt, to inside the home in the house where all the technology is.

Sometimes, I wish cell phones were still two cans and a string!
We provide our very young children with play stations, IPADS, phones that talk back, voice activated apps, and other technolgical things. You could had a three year old a rock and he would look for the button on it as it has to do something and whatever it does, it does fast. Everything is push button friendly. Heck, most things don't even have a button! So from the ages of 2-5 we have them on speed dial. Then, we start them in school and tell them they will have to sit and be quite for hours on end. Probably why so many kids are on medicine to sloe them down?

Don's get me wrong, I love technology, but I also see where it has moved kids from outside the house playing in creeks, climbing trees, or jsut exploring the enivironemnt, to inside the home in the house where all the technology is.

Sometimes, I wish cell phones were still two cans and a string!

As the video console did to the generation before. As the TV did to the one before. As the radio did to the one before. Etc., Etc.,

Insert Old Man Yells At Cloud pic.
As the video console did to the generation before. As the TV did to the one before. As the radio did to the one before. Etc., Etc.,

Insert Old Man Yells At Cloud pic.

Na, not the same. The TV of my generation required one to stand to change the channel. Also, could not get a good picture unless you put tin foil on the rabbit ears. The rich amoung us had an antenna, but needed another person to turn it until the picture was viewable. Furthermore, I don't think you can compare the video game pong to todays games.

However, I do get your point on the progression of technolgy.
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