100% agree. It doesn’t help when the last 4 years we were gaslit on every scientific thing imaginable. The Govt, but more specifically, the scientific part of Govt along with the MSM really did everything they could to destroy their credibility.
Here here. I actually respect you in particular on this board. You at least tried to be impartial. That said, you all have all aspects of power. Looking foward to soaring economic growth, world peace, and the resurgence of the American middle class as promised. Just don’t turn us into Russia in the process please. Go through Congres.100% agree. It doesn’t help when the last 4 years we were gaslit on every scientific thing imaginable. The Govt, but more specifically, the scientific part of Govt along with the MSM really did everything they could to destroy their credibility.
It’s like, if they didn’t lie to all of us, we wouldn’t be where we are. But, bureaucracy is gonna bureaucracy and try to protect itself. I for one am loving the transparency coming out of this administration. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and people are going to have to deal with the uncomfortable to enable us to heal as a nation. You can only piss down my back and tell me it’s raining for so long before I just get tired of it and punch you in the mouth. That’s where we are today.
Look, I love my country, I’ve killed for it, been willing to die for it, and have buried friends who did. Some directly because of it, and some indirectly because of what they were asked to do and an inability to live with it. Whatever i do, feel, think, or believe, it’s rooted in my deep love of this country and everyone in it. We may not see eye to eye, but i believe by and in large, 90% of the people in this country feel the same way. 5% at either extreme are bad actors. But, the other 90%? Good people, we just have different perspectives and experiences which shape how we approach problems. I tend to bet on myself. Others want to work as a collective.Here here. I actually respect you in particular on this board. You at least tried to be impartial. That said, you all have all aspects of power. Looking foward to soaring economic growth, world peace, and the resurgence of the American middle class as promised. Just don’t turn us into Russia in the process please. Go through Congres.
Be nice if Congress would do it's job of protecting the purse and not delegating writing laws to the bureaucrats and life l9ng lobbyists. 36 trillion in debt something has to change. The heads of everything needs to roll . Fat needs cut .Here here. I actually respect you in particular on this board. You at least tried to be impartial. That said, you all have all aspects of power. Looking foward to soaring economic growth, world peace, and the resurgence of the American middle class as promised. Just don’t turn us into Russia in the process please. Go through Congres.