Run one cutter through the high post.


Aug 18, 2012
I don't know what it means when Huggs has a point guard in his second year with the team and Huggs tells him, "Run one cutter through the high post" and he doesn't even attempt to do it.

If someone screws up trying to execute that is one thing. But to just go out and not even attempt to do it?
I don't know what it means when Huggs has a point guard in his second year with the team and Huggs tells him, "Run one cutter through the high post" and he doesn't even attempt to do it.

If someone screws up trying to execute that is one thing. But to just go out and not even attempt to do it?

The young feller probably didn't know what Huggie meant when he told him to run a cutter. I know I don't and I was a prolific scoring machine in my playing days. I scored in elementary school, middle school, high school, college and in the pros...............and never knew a thing about a cutter. The OZARK was my main cheese! Still is. I don't talk about my days at Prunytown.
I suspect it means that the second-year point guard sits on the bench for most of the rest of the game.
Running a cutter thru the high post is about like asking the Kinks if they knew the words to the song Louie Louie. The song was banned in spite of the fact that no one actually knew what the Kinks were saying in the song. The Kinks didn't even know. Ban the cutter thru the high post? Maybe.