RNC Committee woman retweets wishes for McCain to "die already"

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I'm on her Twitter page...

McCain isn't mentioned that I see...^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author


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Vote for Diana Orrock for NV Assembly District 9
Diana is committed to representing the people of District 9 in the Nevada Assembly.
She needs your support to run a successful campaign. Donate what you can ...

I'm on her Twitter page...

McCain isn't mentioned that I see...^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

So, you are denying this was up on her page when she retweeted it with the comment "Amen"? It was "deleted"........
It's not there now...

and I'm NOT using my time machine to find out if it was there earlier...
It's not there now...

and I'm NOT using my time machine to find out if it was...

Ok, well she doesn't deny it:

CNN reached out to Orrock, who said she was not a "big fan" of McCain's approach to foreign policy.

However, she denied actually wanting McCain to die and claimed she was agreeing with the "sentiments" of the article.

Yeah, well that's that.....I believe her......I mean the article had statements like:

"Amen," Orrock wrote in a now-deleted tweet sharing a post on Medium titled "Please Just F***ing Die Already."

In the piece, Johnstone wrote, "If you’re waiting for the part where I say I’m just kidding and would never wish death on anybody, please allow me to make myself clear: I sincerely, genuinely hope that Arizona Senator John McCain’s heart stops beating, and that he is subsequently declared dead by qualified medical professionals very soon."
just your daily dose of 'fake news'...


"Fake"? How's it "fake"? She admitted to it.......and once caught, spins it to say "oh, I wasn't agreeing with that part of it, just the other parts of it..."

you need a source of media to get your 'daily trigger'...

usually it's Russian X...

it's how the media controls and brainwashes you lefties...
you need a source of media to get your 'daily trigger'...

usually it's Russian X...

it's how the media controls and brainwashes you lefties...

I'll remember this the next 1,200 rants you post on here with links to Breitbart and others.........:popcorn:
I just find it funny how many disgustful and tasteless responses that a few posters on here find that are Republicans, but they are pretty silent when it's on the other foot.
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I just find it funny how many disgustful and tasteless responses that a few posters on here find that are Republicans, but they are pretty silent when it's on the other foot.

I think you have that backwards.......why did none of you guys put this incident on here? Oh, as one person has already's "fake news"... you guys put things on here about how conspiracy theories of Clinton's "murders" and such, but this is "fake" in your eyes........:popcorn:
I think you have that backwards.......why did none of you guys put this incident on here? Oh, as one person has already's "fake news"... you guys put things on here about how conspiracy theories of Clinton's "murders" and such, but this is "fake" in your eyes........:popcorn:

Yeah, you are silent the many times the democrats do it. Stop being hypocritical
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I'll remember this the next 1,200 rants you post on here with links to Breitbart and others.........:popcorn:

I HAVE NEVER LINKED A BREITBART article, not once...

I see the brainwashing is working...

you see EVERY ARTICLE as a BREITBART release...

Jesus, this thread is a great example of rightwing strategy at work. For the last several months, we've had a thread posted everytime some liberal says something violent and stupid about Trump. Then the thread is bombarded by those on the right spouting off about how "the left" (EVERYONE on the left that is) is violent and intolerant. When the comments are made by a Democrat fool, well then it's both liberals and the Democratic Party.

It then happens by a rightwing Republican, and nothing. Not one right winger comes into the thread to spout off about American values and decency now. One comes on and makes a comment indicating it isn't true (fake news), and another comes on to make a condescending joke about the news publication being too "little" to care about. But the action is not condemned at all.

Then one poster (whether paid for it or not) overwhelms the thread with political cartoons that perpetuate debunked conspiracy theories and trumpet rightwing rhetoric, so that the action is muted into the background.

It's really a solid, sinister strategy that is having a lot of success.
Jesus, this thread is a great example of rightwing strategy at work. For the last several months, we've had a thread posted everytime some liberal says something violent and stupid about Trump. Then the thread is bombarded by those on the right spouting off about how "the left" (EVERYONE on the left that is) is violent and intolerant. When the comments are made by a Democrat fool, well then it's both liberals and the Democratic Party.

It then happens by a rightwing Republican, and nothing. Not one right winger comes into the thread to spout off about American values and decency now. One comes on and makes a comment indicating it isn't true (fake news), and another comes on to make a condescending joke about the news publication being too "little" to care about. But the action is not condemned at all.

Then one poster (whether paid for it or not) overwhelms the thread with political cartoons that perpetuate debunked conspiracy theories and trumpet rightwing rhetoric, so that the action is muted into the background.

It's really a solid, sinister strategy that is having a lot of success.
Still trying to salvage CNN? Hahahaha, ok.
The tweet was covered by The Washington Examiner, FOX News, and The Daily Caller. What's your fvcking point?

They don't have a point. Notice how they ignore, or don't condemn, the words or actions of their fellow Republicans but will be first to do so on Democrats? I've read the right-wingers explaining away that this RNC woman's "amen" reply was to the disappointment in McCain's performance.......but haven't heard a damn word about the woman that wrote the article saying she hopes McCain doesn't survive surgery........and then she restates it by stating that "YES" that is what she means, that she hopes he never wakes up. Again, nothing......crickets.......

But these same people go up in arms when a Democrat says "Take the fight to the streets".....
They don't have a point. Notice how they ignore, or don't condemn, the words or actions of their fellow Republicans but will be first to do so on Democrats? I've read the right-wingers explaining away that this RNC woman's "amen" reply was to the disappointment in McCain's performance.......but haven't heard a damn word about the woman that wrote the article saying she hopes McCain doesn't survive surgery........and then she restates it by stating that "YES" that is what she means, that she hopes he never wakes up. Again, nothing......crickets.......

But these same people go up in arms when a Democrat says "Take the fight to the streets".....

Welcome to our world for the last 20 years. Isn't fun is it?
I remember when we (the GOP) used to be the grown ups. Now we are as snowflakey and ignorant as the rest. And proud? Sad!

Cry me a river Coop. I'm Proud of Mountaineer. He's the first to start understanding the point of Trump's election, but it's still fuzzy to him.
Cry me a river Coop. I'm Proud of Mountaineer. He's the first to start understanding the point of Trump's election, but it's still fuzzy to him.

As bad as I think Trump has been, I would NEVER wish him to die or give an "amen" to anyone who would want him to die.....he is OUR president.....and McCain is a good guy who doesn't deserve this reaction either.
As bad as I think Trump has been, I would NEVER wish him to die or give an "amen" to anyone who would want him to die.....he is OUR president.....and McCain is a good guy who doesn't deserve this reaction either.

Funny, I don't remember you commenting on this.