RIP Baylor football. Jim Grobe new head coach

The ax CAN'T be done falling. His son and son in law are still there.

If their goal was to not get the death penalty, Grobe was a great hire. If they want to win B12 titles and be a NC contender....not so much.
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Jim Grobe, a Huntington, WV native, is squeaky clean - a polar opposite given what has been reported. He is a top-notch kind of guy, but I don't think offensive juggernaut under his guidance. Ohio University? Wake Forest? Air Force? Will Baylor run the Wishbone in the Big 12?
Jim Grobe, a Huntington, WV native, is squeaky clean - a polar opposite given what has been reported. He is a top-notch kind of guy, but I don't think offensive juggernaut under his guidance. Ohio University? Wake Forest? Air Force? Will Baylor run the Wishbone in the Big 12?

They have not, yet, fired Briles son which is their OC. Interesting to see if they do.
The man was only hired on an interim basis it really didn't matter who they hired. The real story is who gets the job after this season