Riddle me this?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
The general consensus among Biden detractors is that he's too old and feeble minded to inspire his base & wage a vigorous re-election campaign against a more energetic Trump backed by an equally energetic base of voters. In fact, the Left is so worried about how weak Biden is as a candidate, they're afraid he will cost Dem's critical seats in down ballot races. That's probably true, and usually is the end result of a losing Presidential campaign.


For the 1st time in Presidential electoral history, the winning candidate did not carry along additional winners in down ballot races with his victory! What's even more perplexing, despite the creepy corpse allegedly getting more votes than any other Presidential candidate in history, his party actually lost seats in key down ballot races! Biden's record vote winning campaign did not help his party's candidates in critical down ballot races, and that's never happened before especially for a candidate who we're told got more votes than any other Presidential candidate in history! 🤔 Meanwhile, the losing candidate (Trump) helped his party pick up seats in down ballot races for the '20 election!

So today, we're being told by Democrats that Biden has to step aside because his losing campaign is sure to cost them seats in down ballot races for '24. Likewise, Trump's surging gains and strong support are indicating HUGE pickups for his Republican party in down ballot '24 races (as it normally is).

EXCEPT FOR 2020!!!!!!

Why didn't Biden's "record vote winning victory" translate into big wins for Democrats down ballot? We're now being told by Democrats that he has to step aside to keep his losing campaign from costing Dems important seats in the Congress right? This makes no sense, unless you add in the fraud factor behind Biden's so called "record vote winning" margin in '20. 😒

It simply cannot be explained any other way. One of you Leftists can explain this?


I don't hear any of you "election deniers" over there on the Left? 'Cmon folks, speak up!
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