Reuters: Clinton Foundation reported no donations from foreign

Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of General Electric, outright refused at a recent shareholders’ session to explain the coincidental timing between his philanthropy’s cash donation to the Clinton Foundation and his company’s subsequent receipt of a lucrative State Department contract.
It is looking like the Clintons and their buddies made 100s of millions of dollars from contributions into their foundation from foreign countries and companies that got lucrative sweet heart deals. Is this something that the mainstream media thinks is important to report or will it also be swept under the rug in order to elect the first woman president (that is a liberal democrat)?
It is looking like the Clintons and their buddies made 100s of millions of dollars from contributions into their foundation from foreign countries and companies that got lucrative sweet heart deals. Is this something that the mainstream media thinks is important to report or will it also be swept under the rug in order to elect the first woman president (that is a liberal democrat)?
Who remembers the favor Bill did for the just departed AG? AG, acting as attorney for Rich, secured Rich's pardon. We now have a better understanding of the Clinton's ability and willingness to barter. What was the three way swap between Clinton, AG and Rich? What was the Quid Pro Quo triangulation? Appears Dick Morris was not involved in this triangulation or since Hillary was not involved, he will not spill the beans.