Remember the idiot who berated the Chick-Fil-A drive thru girl over gay

orlando eer

Aug 26, 2002
rights and ran it on Utube. He was a CEO of a medical equipment company making 200k who got himself fired when it went viral. He later got a similar job also making 6 figures
which he lost 2 weeks later when the company learned of the tape. He lost his home and claims to now 2 years later be homeless. He has wife and kids going thru this due to his poor judgment.

Also saw a story about 2 20 something chicks who tried to out do each otheron pics like smoking in front of non smoking signs. One got the bright idea of flipping the bird in front of a sign urging respect for the dead at a veterans cemetery. She lost her job for a year and a half and lives in fear of the pic costing her current job. Sad to see people so wanting to go viral that they ruin their future.

That is even aside from the political hit jobs aimed at wrecking futures Of their opposition.

This post was edited on 3/27 5:38 PM by orlando eer