Recruiting Blue Chips Football


Aug 31, 2002
Every football season, I am optimistic that WVU will win a Conference Championship and hopefully get into the College Football Playoffs.

Then tomorrow comes and I realize that our chances off playing in a playoff are slim to none. The FBS playoffs have been around five years and only ten teams have participated. This means that less than 8% of The 130 FBS teams have been involved in the playoffs.

If you look at Blue Chip Ratings which don't include transfers and walkons, you will see that the teams involved in 2018 have at least 51% or more of their players rated at 4 or 5 Star. Alabama is at 77%, Clemson is at 61%, Oklahoma is at 53% and Notre Dame is at 51%.

The name of the game is recruiting. I will check out WVU recruits tomorrow and I will realize that the best I can hope for is a season like 2018 where we were knocking on the door but could not enter the room.

I will cheer for the Eers until the day that I die and hopefully there will be some more memorable games that are etched in my brain like the Fiesta, Sugar and Orange Bowl victories.

Good luck tomorrow and let's get some future great Mountaineers!
Alabama, Clemson, and so on are willing to spend ridiculous amounts of money on recruiting and "recruiting". It's something I accepted a long time ago as an Eers fan, and I hate it.
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Are you talking about recruiting budgets...

No one spends more than Tennessee historically.
Nebraska is up there.

They have to because neither state produces a lot of talent.

If you are talking about cash advances and the dirtiness of college recruiting.

It is NEVER the school. You will not find a school that cheats.
You will find coaches that turn a blind eye to it or even coaches that assist in it.

Boosters take part in that behavior.
People with money who love their university or their football team.

Sometimes in the case with Miami or even UNLV it was to sell the city.
Most of Miami's boosters were commercial real estate developers