really interesting what happened to my son yesterday

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
this is a little long so bear with me. Most of you know he got promoted rather quickly (I bragged about it on here). Yesterday he was on his way to personnel to sign his new contract when he heard water running. The HR dept and IT dept are in the basement of the resort. An old main water line broke right when he was walking in the area. He ran down the hall to IT and said unplug everything. They thought he was nuts until water started creeping under the door. After helping the IT people unplug and move what he could he ran back down the hall, found some towels and jammed them in the break, and for the next 20 minutes while waiting on the maintenance staff stood there like the little dutch boy with his hand in the dike. By the time they got the water shut off it was up to his shins and had ruined his new chefs clothes. After he got cleaned up the head chef came and got him and took him to the GM's office. The GM handed him the phone and it was the President of Omni corp letting him know how much they appreciated what he did and further "appreciation" would be shown in his next paycheck. They are also replacing his chef's attire and shoes with better ones that what he had before. Evidently his quick action saved them countless thousands of dollars. The kicker is he never would have been there normally...he was just taking a short cut to the HR about being in the right place at the right time......that's so weird I had to share it
That's awesome.

Depending on how the IT is setup, he might have saved them from tons of data loss, which would have ended up being a very expensive loss.