Rare earth minerals?


Gold Member
Sep 10, 2016
I don't like getting in bed with Ukraine for them . We know they are corrupt to the core . I know we need them for many reasons, national security being front and center. Would rather make a deal with Greenland, I think .
My question is how much rare earth minerals do we have? Are we not allowed to explore/mine for them due to our own laws? Why would it be ok for us to explore Ukraine and not the U.S?
I don't like getting in bed with Ukraine for them . We know they are corrupt to the core . I know we need them for many reasons, national security being front and center. Would rather make a deal with Greenland, I think .
My question is how much rare earth minerals do we have? Are we not allowed to explore/mine for them due to our own laws? Why would it be ok for us to explore Ukraine and not the U.S?
Didn’t Hilliary sell our uranium ? Not sure about other minerals

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal​

It also tells Russia "hands off" and effectively stops their long range plans to dominate Eastern Europe.

Russia doesn't have long term plans to dominate Eastern Europe. They don't have the military to occupy it and no ideology to sell. If NATO and the EU would stop trying to expand we wouldn't have this mess. It's the Communist movement moving in the opposite direction this time.
Russia doesn't have long term plans to dominate Eastern Europe. They don't have the military to occupy it and no ideology to sell. If NATO and the EU would stop trying to expand we wouldn't have this mess. It's the Communist movement moving in the opposite direction this time.
Ukraine, Crimea, the entire region surrounding the Black sea, the Caspian sea, as well as the European territories east of the Ural mountains which were once part of the old Soviet Union are all part of long stated Russian desires to reconstitute & dominate. They also have designs on the Northern arc (which includes Greenland) and the Mediterranean sea which includes access to the Suez Canal, Red Sea, straights of Hormuz, the Arabian peninsula and the Northern rim around Africa. China wants to dominate those areas too (along with the South Pacific)

Trump understands this geopolitical Chess game probably better than almost anyone else which is why he developed the deal with Ukraine, and wants us to make a deal for Greenland too. The Russians haven't changed their geopolitical strategy despite the fact they're no longer avowed Communists/Socialists as the Chinese still are.
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Ukraine, Crimea, the entire region surrounding the Caspian sea, as well as the European territories east of the Ural mountains which were once part of the old Soviet Union are all part of long stated Russian desires to reconstitute & dominate. They also have designs on the Northern arc (which includes Greenland) and the Mediterranean sea which includes access to the Suez Canal, Red Sea, straights of Hormuz, the Arabian peninsula and the Northern rim around Africa. China wants to dominate those areas too (along with the South Pacific)

Trump understands this geopolitical Chess game probably better than almost anyone else which is why he developed the deal with Ukraine, and wants us to make a deal for Greenland too. The Russians haven't changed their geopolitical strategy despite the fact they're no longer avowed Communists/Socialists as the Chinese still are.

Not all the Rus people who live in those surrounding Countries want to be part of the EU or NATO. They would prefer to be allies with Russia. Their people. If Trump can get a deal then great. If he walks away and tells Europe and Russia to work it out I'm ok with that. But Russia isn’t a threat to us without China. So the idiots that pushed them in that direction since the fall of the Soviet Union can sit down and be quiet.
Not all the Rus people who live in those surrounding Countries want to be part of the EU or NATO. They would prefer to be allies with Russia. Their people. If Trump can get a deal then great. If he walks away and tells Europe and Russia to work it out I'm ok with that. But Russia isn’t a threat to us without China. So the idiots that pushed them in that direction since the fall of the Soviet Union can sit down and be quiet.
I agree we need to be smart and not push a deal if there's nothing in it for us. However that doesn't change long desired Russian plans to have hegemony over those areas I mentioned, up to and including a reconstitution of the old Soviet empire. Maybe not calling it the Soviet Union again and ruling with an iron fist, but they see themselves as the logical leader of that hemisphere much the same way we view our role here in the Western hemisphere which includes North and South America.
I agree we need to be smart and not push a deal if there's nothing in it for us. However that doesn't change long desired Russian plans to have hegemony over those areas I mentioned, up to and including a reconstitution of the old Soviet empire. Maybe not calling it the Soviet Union again and ruling with an iron fist, but they see themselves as the logical leader of that hemisphere much the same way we view our role here in the Western hemisphere which includes North and South America.

The only people that want to get the Soviet Union back together are the Democrat Party and European Elites. They just plan on calling it something else this time.
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The only people that want to get the Soviet Union back together are the Democrat Party and European Elites. They just plan on calling it something else this time.
The Democrat party & their cohorts in the Socialist parties of Europe won't be satisfied until we're all under one Global Socialist "new world order" :rolleyes:
As he talked Ukraine into giving up weapons.
Be afraid, very very afraid when the American government wants you to give up your weapons.

That wasn't an endorsement of Clinton. It was pointing out the hypocrites in the Democrat Party. Putin is a turd. That doesn't mean he wants WW3.
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As he talked Ukraine into giving up weapons.
Be afraid, very very afraid when the American government wants you to give up your weapons.

You definitely want to keep an eye on the extreme mentality ill though.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Dancing in Drag​

Lol at he was a comedian. Who was funding the TV network that made him famous there. USAID. He's a product of propaganda and Communist Struggle Session.

A music video features Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dancing in high heels, a cropped top, and skin-tight pants with three other men.

Does Video Show Zelenskyy Dancing in High Heels?​

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Not all the Rus people who live in those surrounding Countries want to be part of the EU or NATO. They would prefer to be allies with Russia. Their people. If Trump can get a deal then great. If he walks away and tells Europe and Russia to work it out I'm ok with that. But Russia isn’t a threat to us without China. So the idiots that pushed them in that direction since the fall of the Soviet Union can sit down and be quiet.

Correct and why I have said numerous times let them figure it out while we fix ourselves.
With help from the EU and Nato they all pushed him toward the CCP. Huge blunder considering who he once was an asset for.


Same people that worked for Obama worked for Biden and they are all working for the CCP and Islamic Jihadist. The Goal. Bankrupt the United States.
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People who worked for Obama controlled Biden.

Now might a good time for everyone to study up on NATO, Bosnian and Kosovo Wars. Truly understanding all of that might help them understand current events.

That means look at all involved. It included Neo-Nazis, Communist, Islamic Jihadist. So start with what lead up to the conflicts Look at the actions taken by all. Who supported who. Unfortunately the narrative of ethnic cleansing was only one part of it all.

When digging into the details I would look for some things like this.

According to The Washington Post, Saudi Arabia provided $300 million in weapons to government forces in Bosnia with the knowledge and tacit cooperation of the United States, a claim denied by US officials. Foreign Muslim fighters also joined the ranks of the Bosnian Muslims, including from the Lebanese guerrilla organisation Hezbollah,and the global organization al-Qaeda.

Look at what the UK did. Who they funded. How's that working out.

Hence why proxy wars are fvcking stupid.
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Now might a good time for everyone to study up on NATO, Bosnian and Kosovo Wars. Truly understanding all of that might help them understand current events.

That means look at all involved. It included Neo-Nazis, Communist, Islamic Jihadist. So start with what lead up to the conflicts Look at the actions taken by all. Who supported who. Unfortunately the narrative of ethnic cleansing was only one part of it all.

When digging into the details I would look for some things like this.

According to The Washington Post, Saudi Arabia provided $300 million in weapons to government forces in Bosnia with the knowledge and tacit cooperation of the United States, a claim denied by US officials. Foreign Muslim fighters also joined the ranks of the Bosnian Muslims, including from the Lebanese guerrilla organisation Hezbollah,and the global organization al-Qaeda.

Look at what the UK did. Who they funded. How's that working out.

Hence why proxy wars are fvcking stupid.

You can also dig into how many guns and ammo the CCP supplied to all involved. They made alot of money too.

Millions of rounds of old Chinese munitions, hoarded since the Cold War, were rotting away in Albanian warehouses. Now they've been snapped up by Czech arms magnates. The story of some very modern arms deals in the heart of Europe.
That wasn't an endorsement of Clinton. It was pointing out the hypocrites in the Democrat Party. Putin is a turd. That doesn't mean he wants WW3.
Much like the rest of us, Putin just wants left the fvck alone. He doesn’t want NATO around him. I get that. I don’t even want us in NATO either.
Much like the rest of us, Putin just wants left the fvck alone. He doesn’t want NATO around him. I get that. I don’t even want us in NATO either.

I stop at defending Putin. He's not innocent. But I have no problem with us leaving NATO. Many of the Countries in it are not really allies. We can sign individual agreements without being held hostage.

The Islamic Jihadist and Communist have almost conquered most of them.

I stop at defending Putin. He's not innocent. But I have no problem with us leaving NATO. Many of the Countries in it are not really allies. We can sign individual agreements without being held hostage.

The Islamic Jihadist and Communist have almost conquered most of them.

I’m not defending Putin, but I also don’t defend Zelensky and Ukraine.
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I stop at defending Putin. He's not innocent. But I have no problem with us leaving NATO. Many of the Countries in it are not really allies. We can sign individual agreements without being held hostage.

The Islamic Jihadist and Communist have almost conquered most of them.

I’m not defending Putin, but I also don’t defend Zelensky and Ukraine.

I would encourage people to do a deep dive into all the NATO Countries and what's happening in their Countries that they brought on themselves. Then ask themselves do you want young Americans fighting and dying for their stupidity when we need to fix our own Country.
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Vanessa Battaglia


Why I write about China> Communism is about overcoming your perceived oppressor> The Chinese Communist Party wants to rule the world, per Mao's instructions> But we're #1, standing in the way of the CCP's goal> So we are the CCP's oppressor> Thus the CCP has been, is currently, and will continue to be at war with us in ways we don't recognize (by design) until they win, or we crush the CCP and scatter the dust to the wind> There's no co-exist with the CCP, they'll always be encroachingIt's Game of Thrones. They won't rest until they have the Iron Throne. But instead of attacking us with steel, they're eating at our soft underbelly: our economy, our appetites, our cyber networks.It's a termite strategy, to quietly chew until the house falls down unbeknownst to its inhabitants.Curtsy to

for drilling home the definition of communism in Unhumans

That's because they are working together.

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