Ran her own email server? Out of her home?

Government servers... I'm having WAWF backflashes....

At least she had enough forethought not to rely on a standard email provider on the web and probably took precautions to make this private email server as secure as possible. But that still does not satisfy my disappointment in her character by thinking this is ok. I am reading between the covers and believe an underlying reason she did this was due to paranoia of the political process which she has exhibited many times in the past regardless if her comments on "right-wing conspiracy" had any validity to it or not. Very Richard Nixon-like and we do not need another paranoid President.
Originally posted by Mntneer:
Kudos Mrs. Clinton... kudos.
This was done so she could have deniability to FOIA requests plain and simple. She can turn over emails SHE wants turned over and be done with it. It was a calculated move on her part to insulate her from anything that could be harmful to her later on.
I don't disagree with that.

Easier to control your backups and records when they're under your own roof.

Most politicians looking to game the system though wouldn't have been smart enough to try and pull off an in house exchange server.
"paranoia of the political process"?

How about she did it because her and the whole Clinton family are a bunch of political hacks, liars, and crooks.
Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by Mntneer:
Kudos Mrs. Clinton... kudos.
This was done so she could have deniability to FOIA requests plain and simple. She can turn over emails SHE wants turned over and be done with it. It was a calculated move on her part to insulate her from anything that could be harmful to her later on.
That is a very plausible motivation for doing what she did. I agree that this could have been the primary motivation.
Re: "paranoia of the political process"?

Originally posted by Motown Mounty:
How about she did it because her and the whole Clinton family are a bunch of political hacks, liars, and crooks.
Well, he did say "Nixon like," didn't he?
"She can turn over emails SHE wants".. Hillary would NEVER do that**

"I want the public to see my email," yes the ones I want you to see***
