Radicalized Islamists in America must be put in internment camps says

Huh. I worked for Wes at Fort Hood, writing speeches for him for a while. He is a smart guy - a Rhodes Scholar - but I bet even he can't identify "radicalized Islamists" by sight. So ... what? We round up every Muslim and put them through an Abu Ghraib style interrogation to determine whether they're radicalized? Yeah, that will make them see the light of "love America or leave it." Abdulazeez may have been radicalized but based on what the FBI and Chattanooga police are releasing, it's looking more likely that he was just another sad case of an immigrant who couldn't cope with the combination of mental illness and inability to adapt to American culture.
Clark has always seemed pretty reasonable to me. He is out in left field on this one. The FBI is doing very well so far at preventing these attacks, but even they admit they are being overwhelmed.