Prosecutors accused Trump of a crime. Trump lied to the American people about business in Russia

Original Mountaineer1

Heisman Winner
Aug 27, 2001
14 Trump campaign and transition staff had direct contact Russia. DJT's personal attorney and campaign chair heading to prison, Cohen lied about Russia. Roger Stone taking the 5th as it relates to Russia. Direct links between Assange and the Trump campaign to release emails hacked by Russians

Anyone seeing a pattern developing? .
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Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal ...
Apr 24, 2015 · Uranium investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's office was involved in approving a Russian bid for mining assets in Kazakhstan and the ...

Yes, The Russia Scandal Is Real — And It Involves Hillary ...
Yes, The Russia Scandal Is Real — And It Involves Hillary Clinton ... So the Obama administration knew of the Russian racketeering, extortion, money laundering, and the rest, as Vladimir Putin's ...

Clinton Foundation Linked To Russian Effort To Buy Uranium ...
Apr 23, 2015 · When Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, the Obama White House asked her to sign a memorandum of understanding because Bill Clinton was going to continue to raise money for his foundation.

When is Mueller investigating the Clinton Foundation ?

If he went after Hilliary like he is Trump, Hilliary would've been in jail two years ago.
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14 Trump campaign and transition staff had direct contact Russia. DJT's personal attorney and campaign chair heading to prison, Cohen lied about Russia. Roger Stone taking the 5th as it relates to Russia. Direct links between Assange and the Trump campaign to release emails hacked by Russians

Direct links? LOL
14 Trump campaign and transition staff had direct contact Russia. DJT's personal attorney and campaign chair heading to prison, Cohen lied about Russia. Roger Stone taking the 5th as it relates to Russia. Direct links between Assange and the Trump campaign to release emails hacked by Russians

Anyone seeing a pattern developing? .

If you play connect the dots, close your eyes, and which upon a star then maybe you'll find a connection.,
14 Trump campaign and transition staff had direct contact Russia. DJT's personal attorney and campaign chair heading to prison, Cohen lied about Russia. Roger Stone taking the 5th as it relates to Russia. Direct links between Assange and the Trump campaign to release emails hacked by Russians

Anyone seeing a pattern developing? .
When/where did Mueller accuse Trump of a crime? I missed that news.


will be interesting to see which group takes to the streets first...

the good guys or the socialists...
14 Trump campaign and transition staff had direct contact Russia. DJT's personal attorney and campaign chair heading to prison, Cohen lied about Russia. Roger Stone taking the 5th as it relates to Russia. Direct links between Assange and the Trump campaign to release emails hacked by Russians

Anyone seeing a pattern developing? .
You guys got him now!
We should impeach Hillary because all smocking guns lead to her.
What? No they didn't. Mueller did not file anything that accused Trump of a crime. The SDNY did.

Stated, not file. Don't move the goal posts.

He stated that Cohen made payments to Stormy under the direction of the president.

No he didn't. Trump's own DOJ (SDNY) said that.

The revelations came in multiple filings by federal prosecutors for the Southern District of New York and by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. Their work has intersected because both teams have charged Mr. Cohen with crimes, and he had sought to cooperate with both.
Stated, not file. Don't move the goal posts.

The revelations came in multiple filings by federal prosecutors for the Southern District of New York and by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. Their work has intersected because both teams have charged Mr. Cohen with crimes, and he had sought to cooperate with both.
The Mueller filing never stated/accused/any word you want to use - that Trump broke the law. Go read it.
We should impeach Hillary because all smocking guns lead to her.

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