PROJECT 2025 v AGENDA 47: idiotcrats continue to spread the debunked lie that President Trump is somehow behind Project 2025.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001


Democrats continue to spread the debunked lie that President Trump is somehow behind Project 2025.

Bookmark this post for responses to the most common lies pushed by Democrats.

Lie: Trump is mentioned 300 times in Project 2025
Truth: Trump is mentioned 45 times while Biden and Harris are mentioned 19 times.

Lie: Project 2025 author Skye L. Perryman, JD testified under oath to Rep Crockett that Trump's name was mentioned 312 times.
Truth: Skye L. Perryman, JD is a lawyer called by Democrats to testify about the dangers of Project 2025. Rep Crockett confused her with one of the authors and began grilling her about the number of times Trump's name was mentioned. Ms. Perryman testified she did not know - Rep Crockett made the false claim of 312 times.

Lie: JD Vance wrote the forward to Project 2025
Truth: JD Vance did not write the foreword to Project 2025. The foreword was written by Kevin D. Roberts, PhD, who is the president of The Heritage Foundation.
NOTE: JD Vance did write the forward to Dr. Robert's new book Dawn's Early Light which comes out in November. So his connection to Project 2025 is that he wrote the forward to an unpublished book for the guy that wrote the forward to Project 2025.

Lie: Trump based Agenda 47 on Project 2025
Truth: Trump's Agenda 47 was released December 2022 while Project 2025 wasn't released until April 2023.

Lie: Project 2025 was written by 150-200 former Trump officials.
Truth: Project 2025 was written by 34 authors and 29 contributors many of whom (but not all) served in one or more Republican administrations include Reagan's, Bush I's, Bush II's, and Trump's.

What drives me crazy is the fact that Democrats would hate President Trump's real platform - the so-called Agenda 47 just as much or more as they hate Project 2025. Here are a few key differences between Trump's platform and Project 2025 that might be helpful:

To identify policy differences between Project 2025 and Trump's Platform (from the second document), I've compared the key positions laid out in both. Here are the main areas where contradictions or differences might arise:

Energy Policy
- Project 2025: Advocates for a balanced energy policy, promoting the continued use of fossil fuels but also including nuclear energy and some focus on environmental regulation.
- Trump's Platform: A more aggressive stance on energy dominance, with a focus on oil, gas, and coal. The platform calls for the termination of the Green New Deal and emphasizes "Drill, Baby, Drill" to reduce costs and strengthen energy independence.
- Difference: Project 2025 supports some regulation and a diversified energy mix, while Trump's Platform appears to be much more aggressive in cutting environmental regulations and prioritizing fossil fuels above all else.

- Project 2025: Seeks to reinstate most Trump-era immigration policies, including stricter visa control and merit-based systems. It also pushes to reduce overall immigration numbers, tighten asylum policies, and reorganize immigration agencies.
- Trump's Platform: In line with Trump’s previous policies, the platform prioritizes completing the border wall, deporting millions of illegal migrants, and conducting the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.
- Difference: Both support strong immigration control, but Project 2025's reorganization plans and some nuances (like "reducing guest worker visas" in Project 2025) are less emphasized in Trump's Platform, which is more focused on deportation and wall completion.

- Project 2025: Advocates for school choice and some reduction of federal oversight, but includes a broader emphasis on career readiness and economic outcomes. Project 2025 also suggests working with local governments for educational outcomes.
- Trump's Platform: The platform includes a commitment to abolishing the Department of Education, returning all education control to the states, and banning Critical Race Theory (CRT) and "radical gender ideology" in schools. There’s a strong push for patriotic education and a return to traditional civics.
- Difference: Trump’s Platform’s call for completely eliminating the Department of Education goes further than Project 2025’s suggestions of reform, which do not include total elimination.

Healthcare and Social Security
- Project 2025: Supports work requirements for Medicaid, reducing dependency on welfare, and restructuring health-related social programs to make them more sustainable.
- Trump's Platform: Pledges to protect Social Security and Medicare without cuts, with a focus on preventing Medicare abuse by illegal immigrants and rejecting any changes to the retirement age.
- Difference: Project 2025 includes more emphasis on restructuring welfare programs, while Trump's Platform promises to safeguard these programs without significant changes.

Defense and Foreign Policy
- Project 2025: Calls for a leaner military with a strong focus on protecting U.S. interests and reducing unnecessary foreign engagements. It also mentions reforming the Department of Defense to ensure efficiency.
- Trump's Platform: Calls for reviving and modernizing the military to be the strongest in the world, emphasizing peace through strength and advocating for an Iron Dome Missile Defense Shield across the U.S. It also emphasizes countering China and rebuilding alliances.
- Difference: Trump’s Platform is more focused on military expansion and dominance, while Project 2025 favors reorganization and efficiency.

Environmental and Climate Policies
- Project 2025: Does not prioritize environmental deregulation as strongly and is more moderate in its approach, seeking to balance energy independence with responsible stewardship of resources.
- Trump's Platform: Clearly rejects climate change policies like the Green New Deal and promotes a complete rollback of environmental regulations that hinder the production of oil, gas, and coal.
- Difference: Trump’s Platform is significantly more aggressive in rejecting climate policies, while Project 2025 is somewhat more measured in its environmental recommendations.

Tax and Economic Policies
- Project 2025: Supports simplifying the tax code with two tax brackets (15% and 30%) and lowering the corporate tax rate from 21% to 18%.
- Trump's Platform: Pledges to make the Trump tax cuts permanent and continue to cut taxes for workers. It also proposes eliminating taxes on tips for service workers.
- Difference: Trump’s Platform’s tax strategy is more aligned with making Trump-era cuts permanent, while Project 2025 suggests more structural reforms, including simplifying the tax system.

These differences highlight varying degrees of emphasis, with Project 2025 generally more focused on long-term bureaucratic reform and efficiency, while Trump’s Platform is bolder and more aggressive, particularly in energy, military, and immigration policies.