Commies in our Government working with a Foreign Communist Country would probabably be a good bet. People are going to spin it to fit their narrative no matter what.
Bill Krystal was a Troskyite infiltrator. Most of the warmongering Neocucks were as well.The original Globalist. Study up on them. Infiltrated everything.
Read about his Permanent Revolution and his goal of a one world government.
Definition of TROTSKYISM
the political, economic, and social principles advocated by Trotsky; especially : the theory and practice of communism developed by or associated with Trotsky and usually including adherence to the concept of worldwide revolution as opposed to socialism in one country… See the full
Bill Krystal was a Troskyite infiltrator. Most of the warmongering Neocucks were as well.
Well it seems in the 60's they had unnamed sources. Sorry unless they name who said this I'm calling bullshit.
I believe it was the Trotskyites. He stood in the way of Permanent Revolution and War. They had infiltrated many Governments including ours.
Trump to declassify JFK files: Famed doctor who investigated assassination predicts what Americans could learn
A famed doctor who investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy discussed what the upcoming release of the assassination files may
Trump to declassify JFK files: Famed doctor who investigated assassination predicts what Americans could learn