President Trump is Holding ‘Cabinet Meetings’ at His Golf Club in New Jersey... D E V O L U T I O N ???


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Former President Donald Trump has been holding meetings with “Cabinet members” at his golf club in New Jersey this week, according to a top ally.

Mark Meadows, who was Trump’s final White House chief of staff, said the work at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, is focused on “what comes next” with regards to 2022 and 2024 elections, after which Newsmax host Steve Cortes (himself a former Trump adviser) asked whether he wanted to break any news about his meetings with the former president.

“We met with several of our Cabinet members tonight,” Meadows said. “We actually had a follow-up member — meeting with some of our Cabinet members, and as we were looking at that. We were looking at what does come next. I’m not authorized to speak on behalf of the president, but I can tell you this, Steve: We wouldn’t be meeting tonight if we weren’t making plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump at the head of that ticket.”
@moe will love this. He gums Trumps nuts 24-7
Oh moe just got even more depressed over this! Why he might actually even be "happy" now?

I wouldn't bet any of my hard earned money on that atl


Oh just damn @moe you actually earn a living? Well ...cheer up! You can STILL be miserable over the prospects of dealing with another Trump run for the White House? Then once he wins, you can go full manic depressive mode!

Aw suck it atl!
Yet whenever "evidence" is presented backing Trump's assertion of is either ignored, or smeared. Never factually refuted though. NEVER.

Why not?

I'll pay five million dollars to the first person who can refute my evidence. My bank account is still full.
They say I'm a liar and a fraud.... yet they lied for three years about me and how I fraudulently won the '16 election.

They even illegally spied on me trying to frame me for their own fraud and deception and who got caught?

Like a... shadow government?

Piss off
I'm not buying any "reports" of Trump being reinstated or this election being decertified before I see some indictments and/or prosecutions of proven and demonstrably documented cases of illegal fraud or vote tampering. The evidence is certainly out there, but I have not seen one indictment or case brought forward yet.

Why not?
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"seen" used here is first person past tense of an active verb that requires a modifier.

ex: I have seen...
or...I saw....

3rd grade Grammar Bro....


Try it
I said “seen” ironically to poke fun at the dipshit hicks who actually believe Trump will be re-instated this month. I live in West Virginia. I hear somebody say “I seen on Facebook” every single day
I said “seen” ironically to poke fun at the dipshit hicks who actually believe Trump will be re-instated this month. I live in West Virginia. I hear somebody say “I seen on Facebook” every single day
Still can’t defend your pedo President. Go clean those shitters

If the Devolution theory is true then that would suggest that the timing of Trump's return is less about hurrying to a finish line and more about when exactly Trump decides to make his reveal. In other words: Your comfort level can significantly increase.

This should lift a weight off many of your shoulders.

Yet We the people are still a major part of the plan.

Keep fighting back, stand for your freedoms, and getting involved in your local communities and let's be assured that Trump and his team will take care of the rest.
I said “seen” ironically to poke fun at the dipshit hicks who actually believe Trump will be re-instated this month. I live in West Virginia. I hear somebody say “I seen on Facebook” every single day
You mock so called "dipshit hicks" who believe Trump will be re-instated yet you posing as a sophisticated, erudite, "Progressive Social Democrat" can't cite one legitimate policy based reason you voted for an absent minded corpse?

What should the "dipshit hicks" call you?
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I'm not buying any "reports" of Trump being reinstated or this election being decertified before I see some indictments and/or prosecutions of proven and demonstrably documented cases of illegal fraud or vote tampering. The evidence is certainly out there, but I have not seen one indictment or case brought forward yet.

Why not?
Justice is coming very very soon. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nothing.

I believe this with every fiber in my body. There is so much evidence that things are happening. The swing states are proving there was massive fraud. DOD knows exactly what happened on November 3rd. Gitmo is filling up fast.
Justice is coming very very soon. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nothing.

I believe this with every fiber in my body. There is so much evidence that things are happening. The swing states are proving there was massive fraud. DOD knows exactly what happened on November 3rd. Gitmo is filling up fast.
Justice is coming very very soon. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nothing.

I believe this with every fiber in my body. There is so much evidence that things are happening. The swing states are proving there was massive fraud. DOD knows exactly what happened on November 3rd. Gitmo is filling up fast.