Points made by the man that knows the Middle East best


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
General Petraeus.

The bullet points are as written by the Washington Post.

1. Shiite militias and Iran now pose a bigger regional threat than the Islamic State.
2. You can't find a solution to the Islamic State without empowering capable local Sunni forces
3. Syria is a 'geopolitical Chernobyl' and needs to be addressed immediately
4. America's influence is waning in the Middle East
5. Petraeus told Iran's top general Qassem Soleimani to "pound sand"

Obama is marching us off into very, very dangerous territory. His hatred of Israel and his desire for a "legacy" will only empower and embolden Iran. Petraeus is sounding the alarm bells for all to hear. Will we listen?
Putin, Assad, and Iran all laugh at Obama.

I think that's abundantly clear ........ rendering the "[/I]America's influence is waning in the Middle East." [/I]as accurate beyond refute with "World" likely being a better conclusion to that sentence.

The guy wears Mom jeans for crying out loud.
Will we ever again be looked upon as a leading nation?

The blame America first has removed us as the country other countries call upon to lead. What will it cost to restore ourselves?
You know W suckered into Iraq because you were not on Intel

Intel was telling them that Saddam had to be curbed. But of course you don't possess the recall to remember the facts of what led up to the invasion.

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