Perverted Buzzard

And the tag teaming butt buddy sock puppets are back........right on cue.
No doubt. I'm beginning to believe Jerry Sandusky was given rights to the prison computer. If not, Buzzard is definitely his clone.
Your fetish for Jerry Sandusky is the sickest thing on here, Geezer. How many more posts about the same stupid crap are you going to make, Pops? Nothing to do at the nursing home today, huh?
You are the one that mentioned your fetish with green eyed men, your "prison sissies" and how you like Ped State.........Sorry if mentioning Jerry Sandusky raises your hackles or gives you a "herd on" gay boy.
I never mentioned having a fetish for anything, you old turd. You keep mentioning a pedophile because you're a sick old creep. You're the poster child for why E.D. treatments should be banned.
I never mentioned having a fetish for anything, you old turd. You keep mentioning a pedophile because you're a sick old creep. You're the poster child for why E.D. treatments should be banned.

Do I need to dig up the threads from a couple of days ago where you were telling another poster how pretty his green eyes were, how much you liked green eyes, and how you called him your "prison sissy" ? You know you did it, why won't you just admit it ?
Do I need to dig up the threads from a couple of days ago where you were telling another poster how pretty his green eyes were, how much you liked green eyes, and how you called him your "prison sissy" ? You know you did it, why won't you just admit it ?
As Rifle has pointed out numerous times, you boys simply struggle mightily with reading. As you can clearly see by reading the link below, the OSU fan told another poster that he was green with envy, and should have been a Herd fan due to being so green with envy, and commented that he probably has pretty green eyes as well, all within the context of referring to said poster as being envy. For whatever your personal reasons may be, you always see things in a queer manner, which brings me back to the famous line...the smeller is usually the feller.
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