Pedo-Joe's admin could not care less about America's problems and the people it promised to serve: Failure of Leadership


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Leftists are destroying our country

LINK: Washington is proving once again that they could not care less about your problems, about the people they promised to serve. Today, our elected officials celebrated the passing of a $40 billion aid package to Ukraine. Pedo-Joe, Pukeosi, Schmuker all cheered at the thought of sending a war chest and hundreds of javelins halfway across the world. It was monumental that Nancy Pukeosi started invoking Bible verses to show how Ukraine's priorities are the only thing that matters right now, not your priorities — Ukraine's.

So give it a couple of years. History will look fondly on these days when you had to decide whether you can afford food or gas one week. And we just learned today in Pedo-Joe's America, you're going to have to cut back your time in the shower by four minutes. Seriously. In Los Angeles, they're now limiting everyone's water use to seven gallons a day. You'll have to shut the tap off when you brush your teeth and you can't spend more than two minutes — and don't even think about watering your garden on a Wednesday. Outdoor watering is being restricted to just two days a week. And they're sending the cops to enforce it.

Gas prices are out of control. But that's your problem, not the pedophile's. Pedo-Joe's more worried about shortages of batteries for electric cars. Ready? Just a couple of months ago, while you guys were still struggling, the child predator invoked the National Defense Production Act to get more batteries built.

Why doesn't he invoke the Defense Production Act on baby formula? Over 40% of baby formula is out of stock nationwide. If parents are lucky enough to even find baby formula in the stores, they're limited to how much they can buy. It's being rationed — baby formula in this country. Let that sink in. Never nearly enough to keep a newborn fed. While Pedo-Joe and Pukeosi send billions to feed the Ukraine war machine, they can't even figure out how they're going to feed our babies.