Pay attention to the words in Rep. Cori Bush's 'defund' rhetoric


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Leftists are destroying our country

LINK: Being a police officer is a tough job, even on the days you do make it home alive.

The pay isn't good. The hours are long. People sometimes aren't happy to see you. There just aren't that many jobs where you need a bulletproof vest and a firearm to go to work. But the job has become even more difficult lately, in part because of political rhetoric.

A couple of years ago, defund the police was all the rage. Some people and politicians on the left thought getting rid of the police would make you safer. It was lunacy then and now, but the media bought it and that's what we heard, defund the police. Except the voters didn't like it, because voters know we will need police as long as there are people who break the law and have no regard for the life, property or well-being of others. We have government because the human condition is flawed.

We have a media in theory at least, because the human condition is flawed. We have militaries and borders and doors and locks because the human condition is flawed. So despite the obvious, some of the left still want to defund the police. Instead of calling a cop when someone is breaking into your home, they want you to call a social worker, or a psychologist or maybe a life coach.

Logically, the defund the police movement was a trainwreck. Politically, it was even worse, so the smart politicians on the left figured out we got to stop talking about something as stupid as defunding the police. It's a dumb idea, and there just aren't enough protesters or arsonists or New York Times reporters for us to win elections, talking about defunding the police. So we most stop talking about it. But they forgot to tell Congresswoman Cori Bush.