Our Leftist friends will like this post about Trump


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
A Trumper criticizing the man they Love to hate (which they claim never happens with us) But I'm calling DJT out in this post.


It's making you look petty, simple minded, and afraid of a little competition. DeSantis represents the base of voters you need to win the GOP nomination. We do not think he's a "RINO", far from it. Yes you may have helped him win at first, but he's earned his street cred with Florida GOP voters.

You are NOT helping yourself going after him, and you're just offering proof to your critics on the Left and in the GOP establishment who think you're nothing but a narcissistic megalomaniac. Just stop it! If you must say something about the most effective GOP Governor in the country right now, congratulate him on carrying out your MAGA agenda and invite him to join you in the crusade to make America like Florida. Be smarter than you've been. Hell DeSantis hasn't even announced he's running and already you're acting like a big baby afraid of someone else playing in the sand box with 'ya! He could end up as your Veep and you're out there trashing him as a RINO???? C'mon DJT!

If you hope to win our favor as the GOP savior from these Leftist kooks trying to destroy our country, you'll need Desantis' help as well his support in Florida. (you can't win the election without Florida) Desantis has turned a once purple State solid Red.....give him some props for doing that stop calling him a RINO...he's not!

You're better than that us you've learned something about how to keep your arrogant mouth shut when you have no clue what you're talking about OK Dude?


Alright atl, I'm sorry...and I'll back off attacking Ron DeSantis OK?

You'd sure as Hell better my man!

There 'ya go you miserable Leftists...ya'll happy now? :rolleyes:
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A Trumper criticizing the man they Love to hate (which they claim never happens with us) But I'm calling DJT out in this post.


It's making you look petty, simple minded, and afraid of a little competition. DeSantis represents the base of voters you need to win the GOP nomination. We do not think he's a "RINO", far from it. Yes you may have helped him win at first, but he's earned his street cred with Florida GOP voters.

You are NOT helping yourself going after him, and you're just offering proof to your critics on the Left and in the GOP establishment who think you're nothing but a narcissistic megalomaniac. Just stop it! If you must say something about the most effective GOP Governor in the country right now, congratulate him on carrying out your MAGA agenda and invite him to join you in the crusade to make America like Florida. Be smarter than you've been. Hell DeSantis hasn't even announced he's even running and already you're acting like a big baby afraid of someone else playing in the sand box with 'ya! He could end up as your Veep and you're out there trashing him as a RINO???? C'mon DJT!

If you hope to win our favor as the GOP savior from these Leftist kooks trying to destroy our country, you'll need Desantis' help as well his support in Florida. (you can't win the election without Florida) Desantis has turned a once purple State solid Red.....give him some props for doing that stop calling him a RINO...he's not!

You're better than that us you've learned something about how to keep your arrogant mouth shut when you have no clue what you're talking about OK Dude?


Alright atl, I'm sorry...and I'll back off attacking Ron DeSantis OK?

You'd sure as Hell better my man!

There 'ya go you miserable Leftists...ya'll happy now? :rolleyes:
Trump will lose the battle with DeSantis.
Trump is doing that because DeSantis is his biggest threat for nomination. Also, Trump is only hurting himself when he does it. I hope and pray DeSantis runs. I believe he'd get nominated AND he would win the White House. America is seeing what he's doing in Florida and that it's working......He is fighting for Americans by fighting for our rights and freedoms.

New blood and no tolerance of the swamp in Washington.
Trump is doing that because DeSantis is his biggest threat for nomination. Also, Trump is only hurting himself when he does it. I hope and pray DeSantis runs. I believe he'd get nominated AND he would win the White House. America is seeing what he's doing in Florida and that it's working......He is fighting for Americans by fighting for our rights and freedoms.

New blood and no tolerance of the swamp in Washington.
Most independent voters will vote Desantis over Trump, I believe.
Desantis believes in Trump's policies , I do too. Trump had to fight so hard against the swamp and the made up Russia collusion story and in the fight he made to many enemies. Desantis can get moderate democrats I don't believe Trump will.
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Most independent voters will vote Desantis over Trump, I believe.
Desantis believes in Trump's policies , I do too. Trump had to fight so hard against the swamp and the made up Russia collusion story and in the fight he made to many enemies. Desantis can get moderate democrats I don't believe Trump will.

Even many former bleaters believe in DeSantis' policies. Why else would they be fleeing liberal states in record numbers to Florida? Even the leftists in The Swamp dashed to Florida during liberal locked-down states.

Leftist elites want America's freedoms and liberties, but only for them, not The People. They want control over The People. See China.
Trump just needs to remember what team he's on? Desantis is on Trump's team, Trump doesn't need to attack him it's silly.
Even many former bleaters believe in DeSantis' policies. Why else would they be fleeing liberal states in record numbers to Florida? Even the leftists in The Swamp dashed to Florida during liberal locked-down states.

Leftist elites want America's freedoms and liberties, but only for them, not The People. They want control over The People. See China.
I don't understand Democrats who vote for Leftists policies then cry about them
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Trump just needs to remember what team he's on? Desantis is on Trump's team, Trump doesn't need to attack him it's silly.
I didn't mind Trump going after life long politicians ( Cruz & Bush) they deserve it Desantis is not a legacy politician or a D.C rat . I don't mind him going after Desantis on policies but he needs to be a good sportsmen about it .
Trump just needs to remember what team he's on? Desantis is on Trump's team, Trump doesn't need to attack him it's silly.
Desantis is not on Trump's team, and Trump is a silly cvnt. What else would you expect?
I didn't mind Trump going after life long politicians ( Cruz & Bush) they deserve it Desantis is not a legacy politician or a D.C rat . I don't mind him going after Desantis on policies but he needs to be a good sportsmen about it .
Well honestly, there isn't any reason based on policy Trump has to go after DeSantis. As I said earlier in the thread, Desantis is running Trump's MAGA policies in Florida. Trump lives in Florida he knows that! His attacks on Desantis are just petty and if he doesn't knock it off he's going to regret it.

Good grief, he's got to be smarter than that!
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Well honestly, there isn't any reason based on policy Trump has to go after DeSantis. As I said earlier in the thread, Desantis is running Trump's MAGA policies in Florida. Trump lives in Florida he knows that! His attacks on Desantis are just petty and if he doesn't knock it off he's going to regret it.

Good grief, he's got to be smarter than that!
Trump will continue.
Trump will continue.
I guess so. But he isn't doing himself any favors with the base voters who absolutely Love Desantis! Some of 'em prefer him (DeSantis) over Trump. DeSantis hasn't said yet if he's running, but if he decides to give it a go Trump better understand that's some serious competition. DeSantis isn't Jeb Bush or some of those other linguini spined swamp lovers Trump trounced back in '16.

He'd better be careful.
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Desantis isn't beating Trump. Good chance they could end up on the same ticket. Emotional prepare yourself and stop listening to FOX News.
I guess so. But he isn't doing himself any favors with the base voters who absolutely Love Desantis! Some of 'em prefer him (DeSantis) over Trump. DeSantis hasn't said yet if he's running, but if he decides to give it a go Trump better understand that's some serious competition. DeSantis isn't Jeb Bush or some of those other linguini spined swamp lovers Trump trounced back in '16.

He'd better be careful.
Those who like Trump like Desantis. We agree
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That's you. Most people I have talked think he needs to wait. Fox News isn't going to change their minds either.
That's you. Most people I have talked think he needs to wait. Fox News isn't going to change their minds either.
If they were both running Trump still has my vote (we need DeSantis in Florida) I just don't think we need Trump trashing him. Go after this creep instead DJT....

Oh Lord, please don't tell me anything more about TRUMP!!!!

He's baaaack 'ya senile old creep! 🤪
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If they were both running Trump still has my vote (we need DeSantis in Florida) I just don't think we need Trump trashing him. Go after this creep instead DJT....

Oh Lord, please don't tell me anything more about TRUMP!!!!

He's baaaack 'ya senile old creep! 🤪

He's not really trashing him. They can fight it out but hug it out later. Politics. Not personal.
Desantis isn't beating Trump. Good chance they could end up on the same ticket. Emotional prepare yourself and stop listening to FOX News.
Don't watch Fox...I heard about this on Mike Gallagher who's on Salem network.

Don't watch Fox...I heard about this on Mike Gallagher who's on Salem network.

Same vibe. Going to need some of these guys to toughen up. Shit is getting real around the globe.
He's not really trashing him. They can fight it out but hug it out later. Politics. Not personal.
Sorry, but calling DeSantis a RINO is not exactly complimenting him! Besides, Trump's dead wrong about that. Trump is Trump, but DeSantis is not the enemy!
Same vibe. Going to need some of these guys to toughen up. Shit is getting real around the globe.
Gallagher is one of Trump's biggest boosters. He was just reporting on some folks who don't think this flippin' off DeSantis as some sort of swamp dwelling wanna-be is smart or helpful.
Same vibe. Going to need some of these guys to toughen up. Shit is getting real around the globe.
Sorry, but calling DeSantis a RINO is not exactly complimenting him! Besides, Trump's dead wrong about that. Trump is Trump, but DeSantis is not the enemy!

Nobody should give a crap about them throwing sharp elbows at each other. Media and political drama queens only care about that to manipulate minds.
Nobody should give a crap about them throwing sharp elbows at each other. Media and political drama queens only care about that to manipulate minds.
That's true and the media hates 'em both...I just don't see what Trump gains by trashing a guy who lines up with him politically on almost everything? I don't have a problem with them debating policy over our approach to Ukraine, or how to handle the out-of-control DOJ....but calling DeSantis a RINO is cheap and petty and yes personal.

That's not policy. Trump can find a lot more to say about DeSantis other than he's a swamp lovin' RINO. It's wrong and petty.
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Look I'm not Trump and Trump is not me. I'm my own man and Trump is who he is. I'll let the voters decide who's what?

Be careful Ron...Trump will decapitate you if he thinks you're being disloyal.

I'm watching YOU Ronnie boy!!!!!
Nobody should give a crap about them throwing sharp elbows at each other. Media and political drama queens only care about that to manipulate minds.
DeSantis hasn't said a word about Trump. This is all about Trump going after him for whatever reason? 🤔
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That's true and the media hates 'em both...I just don't see what Trump gains by trashing a guy who lines up with him politically on almost everything? I don't have a problem with them debating policy over our approach to Ukraine, or how to handle the out-of-control DOJ....but calling DeSantis a RINO is cheap and petty and yes personal.

That's not policy. Trump can find a lot more to say about DeSantis other than he's a swamp lovin' RINO. It's wrong and petty.

Let them fight. Probably end up on the same ticket. Nothing Trump hits him with will come close to what the Democrats plan on attacking him with.
Trump is the RINO. Go back and look at his political past.


FFS I have a picture with several Presidents. Doesn't mean I agreed with them on many issues. Also great job on pointing out Trump is more of a centrist than the a far right tyrant that the media tried to push.
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FFS I have a picture with several Presidents. Doesn't mean I agreed with them on many issues. Also great job on pointing out Trump is more of a centrist than the a far right tyrant that the media tried to push.
Did they flip political parties, too? He has been:

1987: Republican
1999: Independent
2001: Democrat
2009: Republican
2011: Independent
2012: Republican
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Did they flip political parties, too? He has been:

1987: Republican
1999: Independent
2001: Democrat
2009: Republican
2011: Independent
2012: Republican
The parties have changed over the years. As we age we change or ideas most become republican or at the very least become independent leaning right .
The parties have changed over the years. As we age we change or ideas most become republican or at the very least become independent leaning right .
As Trump got older, he switched to Democrat. I agree with you, most of the time people go from Democrat to Republican......not the other way.
True. But if someone goes from being straight to gay...then back to saying they are straight....they can claim to be "straight" all they want, but once they took a sausage wiener up the butt, there's no going back. :joy:
Lmao one can never unlick a butt hole. But leaving a political party cause you're somewhere in the middle can't be a bad thing . I always said Trump's policies was a cross between jfk a Reagan.
Did they flip political parties, too? He has been:

1987: Republican
1999: Independent
2001: Democrat
2009: Republican
2011: Independent
2012: Republican

Ronald Reagan switch parties. I know numerous people who switched from Democrat to Republican. Not because they liked everything the Republicans have historically voted for either. But because they didn't like how Anti-American and far left the Democrats moved.

Seriously anyone who thinks Joe Biden is the real problem right now is fooling themselves. It's the RINOS and New Democrat Party.

When we have gotten to the point that I can agree with some of the things Bill Maher says about the New Democrat Party its gotten bad real fast.

You might not have liked Trump's personality but he was definitely trying to accomplish some things that would have fixed things a little.

We are are very close to WW3. Closer than many realize. Not rooting for it. However preparations are being made by our Military to move toward that direction beyond normal readiness.