OU has expelled two students for their racism

People should be able to say whatever they want...

and then they have to live with the consequences.
Re: People should be able to say whatever they want...

Is the action covered in OU handbook? Is speech really free? Know about the theatre shout.
Re: People should be able to say whatever they want...

Don't know about the OU handbook...would think there would be a process of some sort...possibly leading to the same outcome.

You can yell fire in a theater...but if there really isn't a fire, then you're going to suffer the consequences.
Re: People should be able to say whatever they want...

Law class instructor never covered the event that there is a fire. Was he required to inform us, or is there some latitude there?
Re: People should be able to say whatever they want...

Don't know if there is any latitude or what the actual consequences might be.
They were wrong. What they said is indefensible. They are trash for saying

but at what point in this country did the government begin punishing people for using a derogatory word that is actually used by another large group of people as an adjective? I don't use the word. I don't condone ANYONE using the word but what I am looking at is reality and the reality is a kid possibly just lost his entire future because he did a stupid thing and used a word that people don't like. I wonder if a black kid had been on a bus using a chant about "crackers" if the same punishment and sentiment would have arisen?
Re: People should be able to say whatever they want...

It never crossed my mind. Just trying to get a grade in that Law class.
Re: They were wrong. What they said is indefensible. They are trash for saying

Or even if the black kid used the N word. That is the group that uses it in their daily diatribe. And, entertainment world, wow. Would it be OK if they said they were practicing an entertainment segment for some year-end production?

Has the term never been used on campus during some invited entertainment? I would say it has been accepted and used thusly on every campus. Bob Jones/Oral Roberts excepted.
This post was edited on 3/10 1:20 PM by mneilmont
The football player that decommitted from OU, don't really agree with what

he did, but ok. I would've shoved it in the racists' face that I was still going to OU, he let them win in a way.

But secondly, decommit from OU, and commit... to Alabama? From the frying pan to the fire.
Woah Nellie.....

It really has nothing to do with the N word at all. They said a black man would never join their frat and one would hang from a tree before joining SAE. You are right the kid is trash. Everyone singing it is trash and I hope they all are kicked out of OU.

As Rog stated, we have the right to say whatever we want to say. But most of us understand the consequences for doing so. Now these kids are facing some pretty stiff consequences, and I for one am glad.

As far as your last question......who knows. I would hope so.
Who is defending what was said? Who is agreeing with what was said?
'I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to mak

...make an ass of yourself.'
That wins today

And may be good enough to be in running for the week.
It's not but

OU needs to fix the PR nightmare right now. This will help. They can deal with the legal ramifications later when it's quieted down a bit. Plus there's always the chance that the idiots who were kicked out will be too embarrassed to raise much of a stink about it.
Stoops just lost a prize recruit because of it, serves the idiots right**

Re: They were wrong. What they said is indefensible. They are trash for saying

Do you realize what they actually said ?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: I'd imagine they have a student code of conduct*

I am no expert in free speech law but can a code of conduct restrict speech? I dont know the answer.
Re: Just because the gov can't prosecute

Agree. If ou is a state entity what can they do? It appears they are approaching it as threatening behavior and not as hate speech.