OT: LowFat and other bird watchers. Check out this Bird...


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
..if you haven't already. Saw it this morn. It's the ISS. Requires a minimal effort on your part and a fairly clear shy. If it's clear, the ISS reflects pretty good even with a little light pollution. Go to the site and enter your location, It's a good site to add to favorites. If you sign up for notifications you will receive optimal viewing times (although it can at other listed times) well in advance. I've been checking it out periodically for 15 years. A lot of pieces have been added over the years. Brighter (more surface area) than in 2000.

spot the station
We had a nice 6 minute signting this morning, but 6:17 AM is too early for me. We're moving back into an evening pattern later this week so we can go out after dinner. Also neat to see the delivery spacecraft chasing the ISS
Worse thread ever. However, using LowFatMilk in your title is acceptable.....

......... You must remember it's not Low Fat, Milk, LFM, or any other variation. LowFatMilk.

Fprio...Priddy is an exception to the rule.


Priddy, I 'think' I may have seen it this morning at 5:30. It seemed to be traveling really fast maybe what I was seeing is a meteor.
probably a meteor or something. This morning's appearance began at 6:17 ( you'd have to be a long way from WV for the time to vary much ( I think)) and lasted a full 5 minutes. The charts on the Spot the Station site are accurate for the near future, but can change. Viewing the ISS is dependent on weather and background light. You can still see it with night time lighting unless you're in a metropolis. 6 min. duration Saturday night.
Priddy, I'm near Lancaster, PA...and 5:30 was about the right time according to the link you shared.

Still, what I witnessed certainly crossed the sky quicker than 5 or 6 minutes.
Originally posted by LowFatMilk:

Priddy, I'm near Lancaster, PA...and 5:30 was about the right time according to the link you shared.

Still, what I witnessed certainly crossed the sky quicker than 5 or 6 minutes.
Lancaster, eh? I do like Isaac's sandwiches. My ex went to Manheim Central. Not trying to hijack. Carry on.
Originally posted by SeronimusPratt:

Lancaster, eh? I do like Isaac's sandwiches. My ex went to Manheim Central. Not trying to hijack. Carry on.
Closer to Reading..but in rural Lancaster county.

I've never tried Isaac's. Despite the heavy presence of Mennonites and Amish the food around here doesn't seem to have much of a 'local' flair. ....don't get me wrong.... ....the locals seem to really like scrapple. (it's the worst food I've EVER tasted).

The best part of living here is the endless vegetable/food/dessert/plant road stands mostly provided by the 'Nites and Amish. Even then, it's curious how they can offer things like corn (watermelon, tomatoes) when you can CLEARLY see that their current crop isn't close to ripe. Whatever at least seems fresh and the prices blow the local stores out of the water.

Anyway...imo there's nothing unique in the region. ...I mean come on... about a random ramp fest ????
I actually grew up on the two products that make scrapple. Ponhaus and Puddin are what makes it up. You're right though some of the best produce came from that area. The Amish take alot of pride in that stuff and the dairies in that area which are mostly small grocery store have unbeatable quality.

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