Ok, I put someone here on ignore....

I was wondering about this. Does anyone here know if anything can forensically be obtained from a smashed Hard Drive? If the HD hasn't been zapped, can pieces of info be discerned? Maybe at least an idea of subject matter?

Nick Short


FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz Pakistani IT Aide’s Home. How many other Dems are implicated? …

8:54 PM - 23 Jul 2017
I was wondering about this. Does anyone here know if anything can forensically be obtained from a smashed Hard Drive? If the HD hasn't been zapped, can pieces of info be discerned? Maybe at least an idea of subject matter?

Nick Short


FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz Pakistani IT Aide’s Home. How many other Dems are implicated? …

8:54 PM - 23 Jul 2017

From Link:

Yes, physically destroying a hard drive renders your device and the data on it unusable. But with enough motivation and the right equipment—and the F.B.I. has both—some of your data can be recovered. Dan Kaminsky, chief scientist of security firm DKH, says 100 percent physical data destruction is nearly impossible. The only method that comes close is overwriting the disk. (Kaminsky is not involved with the Newtown case.)

"Within a hard drive, there are several square feet of [read/write] surface, and any given file takes up less than a square millimeter," Kaminsky says. "That means even if the drive is dented or shattered into tiny pieces, the actual surface that contains the data is still there and readable."
Nothing a industrial strength magnet won't take care of. They play Hell on hard drives.

It's simpler to whack 'em with a sledgehammer and throw them in the river. It's called "The Gambino Method".
#fakenews :americanflag:
RJP's wife has been ignoring him in the bedroom for the past 30 years [roll][banana][roll][banana][cheers]:cool2::boxing:[roll]:joy::joy::joy::joy:
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guess who?
Watsamatter, you don't like to laugh any more? The guy is so good at deflecting he should have his own superhero comic. Of course he doesn't have any original thoughts on issues but just parrots what his orange-skinned idol tweets out.

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