Oddly enough, if Bibi is defeated today it will be because


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
Obama's minions were able to get out the Arab Muslim vote in record numbers.
And it won't be because Israelis saw Netenyahu as a little too extreme and wanted change?

I thought Obama did not want to meddle with this election.

'Isn;t that the exact reason he gave for skipping Netanyahu's speech?

the polls show that Bibi will win a majority of the Jewish vote. In fact, because of the Israeli parlimentary set-up, it is highly likely Bibi will remain Prime Minister when a new government is formed since most of the parties that make up the Knesset are conservative.
A bi-partisan Senate committee has already begun its investigation

into One Voice, a non-profit that received State Department money and is now involved directly in trying to defeat Bibi.
Re: Amazing isn't it

Originally posted by WVPATX:
Oddly enough, if Bibi is defeated today it will be because Obama's minions were able to get out the Arab Muslim vote in record numbers.
I mean, he couldn't get enough Democrats out in November to retain control of the Senate or pick up seats in the House, but he can mobilize people in a country half a world away to vote -- people who dislike America. I guess it's not possible that those Arab Muslims are voting against Netanyahu because they dislike him and his policies. No!! It's all Obama's doing! Good grief.
Re: Amazing isn't it

I said Obama's minions. There is no question that his campaign aides are participating in this election. This is their get out the vote effort. You can try and minimize Obama's involvement but facts are stubborn things. The arrogance of Obama claiming he did not want to meet with Bibi this close to their election and then sending his campaign aides to help the opposition is appalling.
Actually, Obama has former campaign staff working for Bebe too...

it's what these people do for a living. Shocking I know. But I find it hilarious that bebe, who had the audacity to come to the US and give his congressional speech tacitly slapping the admin in the face, is now whining about the admin wanting him to lose. What a baby bebe is.
Re: Actually, Obama has former campaign staff working for Bebe too...

You're defending Obama and calling Bibi and baby, lmao. Bibi is a decorated military commander. Obama is a pot smoking marxist. Obama has constantly slapped Bush in the face with Bush taking it like a man. Obama is the baby.

Please tell me which Obama aide was sent to Israel to support Bibi?
Politics is for big boys

you seem rather emotionally tied to the outcome of this....almost as if you are an Israeli citizen as opposed to an American. But being that you are the consummate patriot (since you are a wingnut), I'm sure that is not the case.
I am still waiting

For the name of the Obama aide that is helping Bibi's reelection. Did you simply make this up?
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem

That was an Obama aide working to defeat the Bibi. Nice try though. You seem to be a lot like Obama.
Apparently it is you who can't read....


"Mr. Bird is the latest in a long line of Americans who have worked on foreign political campaigns, particularly in Israel. In December, Mr. Netanyahu hired John McLaughlin, a Republican pollster; Likud has brought on Vincent Harris, a campaign aide to Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky. Former aides to Mr. Obama have also worked for the prime minister, including Bill Knapp and Josh Isay.

Former campaign strategists to Bill Clinton, including his pollster Stanley B. Greenberg and strategist James Carville, went to Israel in 1999 to help Ehud Barak defeat Mr. Netanyahu."
You obviously have a reading comprehension problem

This whole thread was about Obama not meeting with Bibi because he claimed that it was too close to the election and he didn't want to influence the outcome. I pointed out his hypocrisy because he dispatched a campaign aide to work against Bibi. You claimed Obama aides also helped Bibi. That did not happen. Obama did have two former aides that helped Bibi in 2009. Not relevant to the topic this thread was about.