O.K. is there an alternate internet out there?

As usual with this administration they started off on the right

path... then just went fracking nutz and are now on a path to frack things up.
Are they screwing things up on purpose?

or do they actually think they are doing something that is of benefit? Has anyone in that outfit ever had a real job or understand anything about economics? I get the feeling there is a big business interest or a banker out ther calling all the shots. Middle class is getting eviscerated.
From day one they've been an administration of individuals

steeped in theory but lacking in practicality. The poly sci majors that never held a real job out of college.

Like the ACA they'll listen more to the corporate special interests than the users.

And a change in parties won't make things any better, and the FCC hasn't operated with the most common sense under Republican Presidents either.
I'm just trying to figure out what was broken with the internet that

the FCC needs to go in and lock it down with regulations. I think the biggest problem with the internet right now is there is too much competition out there and there is a lot of conservative thought out there that the left highly frowns upon. The state needs to control all thought to ensure that as resources become more scarce due to a growing collective economy the government can control the storyline.
Where the FCC should get involved is with throttling and capping.

As well as priorities for some servers over others.