Not exactly proud of this, but I'll just leave this here. is everyone's go to source for meaningless pre-season rankings. [thumb2]:rolleyes:
What matters most is where everyone finishes. Back to back to back in case you have forgotten. :cool2:
Are you real? Or, are you (see below) mimicking mindless garbage you've once heard? If real, raise your bar, man. Celebrating "also receiving votes" are only looked at by insecure wishful thinkers. If UConn can play your 'receiving votes' team to a standstill, and hold you to 16......well......not sure what to say....

You guys skirt by playing NO ONE and fall upon the mercy of writers/coaches who feel obligated NOT to not include an obligatory G5 team here and there. Do you think in a million years a P5 team winning 10 games would not actually BE in top 25? Most likely much higher. Sort of puts into perspective your future, as time dependent as it is. Tick, tick, tick.... Back to D1aa for you folks.
Are you real? Or, are you (see below) mimicking mindless garbage you've once heard? If real, raise your bar, man. Celebrating "also receiving votes" are only looked at by insecure wishful thinkers. If UConn can play your 'receiving votes' team to a standstill, and hold you to 16......well......not sure what to say....

You guys skirt by playing NO ONE and fall upon the mercy of writers/coaches who feel obligated NOT to not include an obligatory G5 team here and there. Do you think in a million years a P5 team winning 10 games would not actually BE in top 25? Most likely much higher. Sort of puts into perspective your future, as time dependent as it is. Tick, tick, tick.... Back to D1aa for you folks.
Lamar Jackson does not equal NO ONE my old friend!