Norm Eisen planned 6JAN... and other lies...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

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There's a reason that they will not release the 14 thousand hours of footage that they have of January 6th and it's because everything they rely on is a facade.

They rely on illusions and magic in order to trick the American people but what they don't realize is that the majority is not on their side.

Only the hardcore brainwashed liberal listens to them.

Anyone who's done any amount of research will begin to see through them because their lies are built on a paper thin foundation.

Any amount of scrutiny and it all collapses.

We are watching the gasping breath of a dying breed in Washington.

The old, sad, and evil corrupt guard.

Look but don't gaze foe too long or else their despicable actions will hamper your peace.

They are fading away.

Truth will be at the forefront once again and we'll have wondered how the Swamp could have ever gotten this despicable in the first place.

Sometimes an act of God is necessary to cleanse something this heinous.

He is moving that's what I believe.
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Hearing these frauds talk about their oath to the Constitution, while they trample on gun rights, shut down churches, and deny Americans a speedy trial & due process is truly sickening.

We know this is nothing more than a sham.
Just read Ivanka said under Oath that she believes Barr that the election was fair and accepted the results. That could be interesting at Mar-A-Lago.
About everyone that Trump relied on, betrayed him.

The Deep State is deep...

Barr was a Bush plant.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr repeated.

This is treason.
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The only person shot and killed on Jan 6 was a Trump supporter
Just read Ivanka said under Oath that she believes Barr that the election was fair and accepted the results. That could be interesting at Mar-A-Lago.
So I assume you agree this so called "inquiry" is worth looking into or at least we should hold it to get to the bottom of what actually happened on Jan 6th so we never see it happen again?

Alright then, I have a few questions for you to see how genuinely "interested" you are in maintaining integrity in our elections. Just want to see how honest you are about that issue? I'll keep it simple OK?

Just answer "yes" or "no" to the following few questions:

You agree those seen on video "storming" the Capitol were rightfully prosecuted for violating the law?
"Yes" or "No"

It's fair to determine if Trump ordered those protestors to illegally storm the Capitol?
"Yes" or "No"

Did you hear what he actually said about that?
"Yes or "No"

(FYI these were his exact words):

Do you think it would be fair to play before that committee what Trump actually said to the protestors in order to determine if he in fact told them to "storm" the Capitol building?
"Yes" or "No"

Do you think what he actually said will be played for the T-V audience?
"Yes or "No"

So again, assuming you're interested in this "hearing" which is providing video footage to convince viewers, have you seen the video footage from the movie 2000 mules where people are recorded on video allegedly illegally stuffing ballot boxes with ballots not their own? Are you equally as interested in getting to the bottom of that?
"Yes" or "No"

Should we hold hearings or consider Congressional investigations complete with eyewitness testimony of similar allegations of voting irregularities during this past election, showing video footage of those accused of breaking the Law to make sure it never happens again?
(similar to what we're doing with these televised hearings)

"Yes" or "No"

Are you able to adequately explain what the difference is between the two?
"Yes" or "No"

Are you being honest with your answers to this post?

"Yes" or "No"

If you don't answer that's fine. Even that represents an answer to me at least over how serious or unserious and partisan you may be along with the rest of the false accusers of Trump instigating a riot on Jan 6th. If we're as interested in getting to the bottom of what happened that day and who caused it, I wonder why we're not equally as interested in getting to the bottom of all the other allegations of illegality during this last election?

Ironically, that's what the Jan 6th protestors were gathered for demanding answers to. Why is there no interest in that part of this story? Why no interest from YOU?

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So I assume you agree this so called "inquiry" is worth looking into or at least we should hold it to get to the bottom of what actually happened on Jan 6th so we never see it happen again?

Alright then, I have a few questions for you to see how genuinely "interested" you are in maintaining integrity in our elections. Just want to see how honest you are about that issue? I'll keep it simple OK?

Just answer "yes" or "no" to the following few questions:

You agree those seen on video "storming" the Capitol were rightfully prosecuted for violating the law?
"Yes" or "No"

It's fair to determine if Trump ordered those protestors to illegally storm the Capitol?
"Yes" or "No"

Did you hear what he actually said about that?
"Yes or "No"

(FYI these were his exact words):

Do you think it would be fair to play what Trump actually said to the protestors before that committee in order to determine if he in fact told them to "storm" the Capitol building?
"Yes" or "No"

Do you think what he actually said will be played for the T-V audience?
"Yes or "No"

So again, assuming you're interested in this "hearing" which is providing video footage to convince viewers, have you seen the video footage from the movie 2000 mules where people are recorded on video allegedly illegally stuffing ballot boxes with ballots not their own? Are you equally as interested in getting to the bottom of that?
"Yes" or "No"

Should we hold hearings or consider Congressional investigations complete with eyewitness testimony of similar allegations of voting irregularities during this past election, showing video footage of those accused of breaking the Law to make sure it never happens again?
(similar to what we're doing with these televised hearings)

"Yes" or "No"

Are you able to adequately explain what the difference is between the two?
"Yes" or "No"

Are you being honest with your answers to this post?

"Yes" or "No"

If you don't answer that's fine. Even that represents an answer to me at least over how serious or unserious and partisan you may be along with the rest of the false accusers of Trump instigating a riot on Jan 6th. If we're as interested in getting to the bottom of what happened on Jan 6th and who caused it, I wonder why we're not equally as interested in getting to the bottom of all the other allegations of illegality during this last election.

Ironically, that's what the Jan 6th protestors were gathered for demanding answers to. Why is there no interest in that part of this story? Why no interest from YOU?

Dude, I didn't watch any of it. I only read online Ivanka's statement. That's all I posted about on here and you go off on a 20 question rant like I'm involved in any of this? I've said numerous times that voter fraud has been part of all open elections since the beginning. I've said I don't have any problem with voter ID, but it seems that many of you guys want voting to be back to paper ballots and things like that, like that will fix any problems with fraud. I like early voting because it does increase the number of voters who may not vote on that one day in November. I'm OK with mail-in votes when it is necessary (ex. college students, vacationing, etc). I think we should have MORE precincts, not less. Anything to encourage Americans to get out, and VOTE! But to claim 2020 was "stolen" is something I don't believe. I know you'll site evidence of fraud, and some of it may be valid, but people in Trump's own inner circle denied the election was "stolen". I guess they were "swamp people" that just fooled Trump to get their positions?

As for the "protestors"....were some there peacefully to demand answers? Absolutely. But were others there to do damage or worse? Also, absolutely. My parents taught me "you are who you hang with". I don't buy in to the statements that Jan. 6 was a setup, that it was staged, that it was "fake". Sorry, I just don't. A group of people protested, I'm cool with that. And a group from that group took it farther than a protest. Just the same as the BLM or ANTIFA groups that destroyed city blocks, that disgusted me too, but it wasn't the Capitol Building.

Did Trump "incite" a riot? To be honest, I don't know. I don't watch the news, just read articles. I've read statements of what he allegedly said about Pence needing to be hung, and about going to the Capitol and making a speech, but those are hear-say and we will never truly know.

My frustration is all about those that believe Trump 1000%, and everyone else 0%. It is like a cult (not saying it is, just saying it's like a cult leader). You know I'm not a Biden fan. You know that I did vote for Obama. You know that I did vote (and like) George W. Bush. You know I did vote for Clinton. Also, George HW Bush, and Reagan (couldn't vote then), I liked them very much. So this isn't a Republican/Democrat thing for me.

Now in 2024, if the Republicans can run ANYONE that can get politics back to the center point, I'd sure as Hell vote for them. But these extremist left/right agendas are driving me crazy.
Now in 2024, if the Republicans can run ANYONE that can get politics back to the center point, I'd sure as Hell vote for them. But these extremist left/right agendas are driving me crazy.
Why in the world would Republicans nominate anyone centrist? For 50 years, Democrats idea of compromise is to give them half of what they want, not real compromise. If you can't negotiate, the proper answer is to GFY and see who wins.

Hence why Trump is a symptom and not a root cause.
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Why in the world would Republicans nominate anyone centrist? For 50 years, Democrats idea of compromise is to give them half of what they want, not real compromise. If you can't negotiate, the proper answer is to GFY and see who wins.
To swing voters like myself (Democrat) to vote Republican?????
Dude, I didn't watch any of it. I only read online Ivanka's statement. That's all I posted about on here and you go off on a 20 question rant like I'm involved in any of this? I've said numerous times that voter fraud has been part of all open elections since the beginning. I've said I don't have any problem with voter ID, but it seems that many of you guys want voting to be back to paper ballots and things like that, like that will fix any problems with fraud. I like early voting because it does increase the number of voters who may not vote on that one day in November. I'm OK with mail-in votes when it is necessary (ex. college students, vacationing, etc). I think we should have MORE precincts, not less. Anything to encourage Americans to get out, and VOTE! But to claim 2020 was "stolen" is something I don't believe. I know you'll site evidence of fraud, and some of it may be valid, but people in Trump's own inner circle denied the election was "stolen". I guess they were "swamp people" that just fooled Trump to get their positions?

As for the "protestors"....were some there peacefully to demand answers? Absolutely. But were others there to do damage or worse? Also, absolutely. My parents taught me "you are who you hang with". I don't buy in to the statements that Jan. 6 was a setup, that it was staged, that it was "fake". Sorry, I just don't. A group of people protested, I'm cool with that. And a group from that group took it farther than a protest. Just the same as the BLM or ANTIFA groups that destroyed city blocks, that disgusted me too, but it wasn't the Capitol Building.

Did Trump "incite" a riot? To be honest, I don't know. I don't watch the news, just read articles. I've read statements of what he allegedly said about Pence needing to be hung, and about going to the Capitol and making a speech, but those are hear-say and we will never truly know.

My frustration is all about those that believe Trump 1000%, and everyone else 0%. It is like a cult (not saying it is, just saying it's like a cult leader). You know I'm not a Biden fan. You know that I did vote for Obama. You know that I did vote (and like) George W. Bush. You know I did vote for Clinton. Also, George HW Bush, and Reagan (couldn't vote then), I liked them very much. So this isn't a Republican/Democrat thing for me.

Now in 2024, if the Republicans can run ANYONE that can get politics back to the center point, I'd sure as Hell vote for them. But these extremist left/right agendas are driving me crazy.
You didn't answer "Yes" or "No" to one of my simple "Y" or "N" questions.
You voted for the shitshow we have now and will continue to do so. Let's see who wins.
No one on the Left who was so desperate to erase Trump from the political landscape is honest enough to admit that was a huge mistake comparing him to what we have now. He wants you to believe he wasn't part of the clarion call to get rid of Trump, but he's as responsible as all of the whinners and complainers who couldn't wait to see Trump gone.... whether he legitimately voted for him or not.
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To swing voters like myself (Democrat) to vote Republican?????
I'm sure you can find a nice "swing" to ride during the next election as we Patriots go to the polls to get rid of this Left wing sh*t show. You can get off that swing after we fix this mess, but keep your seat warm because we'll be putting Trump back into his rightfully won position before it was stolen from him and there won't be a need for any "swing" voters to do that so you might want to make sure you have a good place to sit and "swing" this next Presidential election out. :rolleyes:
Did Trump "incite" a riot? To be honest, I don't know.
That's a straightforward question, which can be easily answered.

(see how easy that was?)

Where's the incitement to "riot" in this clip?

That's what he actually said. Like you I didn't watch that kangaroo hearing, but I'll 100% guarantee of all the videos they played for two hours before a prime time audience they did NOT play that :30 second clip

Why not?
@MountaineerWV ...I know you're much too non-partisan to be involved in Left vs Right discussions, but as a self admitted "swing" voter, give OT readers of this forum your honest non-partisan assessment of Trump's successor?

We know you despised Trump and therefore refused to vote for him, and you claim you also did not vote for his absent-minded replacement but can you at least tell us if his replacement has been better?

Tell us who's been the better President for the country...the man you hated and didn't vote for, or the man you were indifferent about and still didn't vote for, but who nevertheless got elected?

He knows it's me atl


Sorry creepy Joe
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@MountaineerWV ...I know you're much too non-partisan to be involved in Left vs Right discussions, but as a self admitted "swing" voter, give OT readers of this forum your honest non-partisan assessment of Trump's successor?

We know you despised Trump and therefore refused to vote for him, and you claim you also did not vote for his absent-minded replacement but can you at least tell us if his replacement has been better?

Tell us who's been the better President for the country...the man you hated and didn't vote for, or the man you were indifferent about and still didn't vote for, but who nevertheless got elected?

He knows it's me atl


Sorry creepy Joe
Biden has been a disaster. Pretty obvious, and predictable. As for Trump, I never said that the times during his 4 years were all "bad".

Sometimes, events out of the control of the POTUS, end up dictating how a presidency turned out. Go back and look at Hoover. He was the right man for the job, but circumstances hit that was out of his control, and then he gets blamed for the Depression. Then FDR wins, probably not the best man for the job, and he gets historical credit for achievements that were actually not great in regards to recovering the economy. This will be the same for Biden (economy) and Trump (impeachment and Jan. 6). Right or wrong, it will always be their legacy.

I guess, to summarize, I will admit that my PERSONAL feelings cloud my judgement of Trump's job. I admit that times were better during his 4 years. I will also admit that I hold the office of the POTUS as the highest office in the world, and certain actions and protocol need to be followed in order to be admired in that office. I've said many times, IF Trump would have toned down his rhetoric, he would have gotten more support from the "silent majority" Democrats, like myself. But, again, those are my personal feelings about one man. I'm sure you have feelings about people like I do, and no matter what they do or how they perform their jobs or duties, you'll always have those feelings.
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Biden has been a disaster. Pretty obvious, and predictable. As for Trump, I never said that the times during his 4 years were all "bad".

Sometimes, events out of the control of the POTUS, end up dictating how a presidency turned out. Go back and look at Hoover. He was the right man for the job, but circumstances hit that was out of his control, and then he gets blamed for the Depression. Then FDR wins, probably not the best man for the job, and he gets historical credit for achievements that were actually not great in regards to recovering the economy. This will be the same for Biden (economy) and Trump (impeachment and Jan. 6). Right or wrong, it will always be their legacy.

I guess, to summarize, I will admit that my PERSONAL feelings cloud my judgement of Trump's job. I admit that times were better during his 4 years. I will also admit that I hold the office of the POTUS as the highest office in the world, and certain actions and protocol need to be followed in order to be admired in that office. I've said many times, IF Trump would have toned down his rhetoric, he would have gotten more support from the "silent majority" Democrats, like myself. But, again, those are my personal feelings about one man. I'm sure you have feelings about people like I do, and no matter what they do or how they perform their jobs or duties, you'll always have those feelings.

Yes what you said in that last sentence is true. Joe Biden will always be a creep to me, and I'll never believe 80 million Americans were stupid enough to vote for such a creep.
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Yes what you said in that last sentence is true. Joe Biden will always be a creep to me, and I'll never believe 80 million Americans were stupid enough to vote for such a creep.

having 80 million BALLOTS ISN'T the same as having 80 million VOTES...

not when 10-20 million were fake...
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