NCAA pulls championship events from North Carolina

Soaring Eagle 74

Jan 4, 2008
because of bathroom laws.

"The seven events that will be moved:
• Division I women's soccer championship College Cup, slated for Cary, N.C., Dec. 2 and 4.
• Division III men's and women's soccer championship in Greensboro, Dec. 2-3.
• Division I men's basketball tournament first/second rounds in Greensboro, March 17 and 19, 2017
• Division I women's golf championship regional in Greenville, May 8-10.
• Division III men's and women's tennis championship in Cary, May 22-27.
• Division I women's lacrosse championship in Cary, May 26 and 28.
• Division II baseball championship in Cary, May 27-June 3."

The basketball tournament games will really sting the Duke, NC, and NCS fans.
Duke president supports NCAA action.

All of this over where someone takes a dump.
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"Oh-o tobacco road."

It's going to be tough for Duke to leave the state for those first round games. Has Coach K had his morning bitch fit yet, or does that come after he dyes his hair? I bet he looks like Tammy Fay Baker cryin' in that stylist's chair.
Legislating morality just makes you look foolish.

I'm confused as to how this is legislating morality. Seems its about whether bathrooms are currently separated based upon biological sex or perceived gender. My opinion is if biological sex is irrelevant, then why bother with separation at all and just go unisex with all bathrooms/changing rooms.
because of bathroom laws.

"The seven events that will be moved:
• Division I women's soccer championship College Cup, slated for Cary, N.C., Dec. 2 and 4.
• Division III men's and women's soccer championship in Greensboro, Dec. 2-3.
• Division I men's basketball tournament first/second rounds in Greensboro, March 17 and 19, 2017
• Division I women's golf championship regional in Greenville, May 8-10.
• Division III men's and women's tennis championship in Cary, May 22-27.
• Division I women's lacrosse championship in Cary, May 26 and 28.
• Division II baseball championship in Cary, May 27-June 3."

The basketball tournament games will really sting the Duke, NC, and NCS fans.
Duke president supports NCAA action.

All of this over where someone takes a dump.
I just saw in USA Today that the Asheshe is pulling all championships from NC also. Poor UNC and DookieVee
I'm confused as to how this is legislating morality. Seems its about whether bathrooms are currently separated based upon biological sex or perceived gender. My opinion is if biological sex is irrelevant, then why bother with separation at all and just go unisex with all bathrooms/changing rooms.
NC legislation was 100% a morality issue, and you effectively stated so in your response. If it was any other reason unisex bathrooms would be the norm, as you stated. Most facilities in European countries lean thus way; they're not as hung up as we are in the US.
The State of NC did this to themselves, self-inflicted wounds as they say. And the colleges and universities are not the victims either, it's the businesses and tax base in NC that will be impacted the most.
This is another example of Progressive BS. If you have one hanging use the men's room. If not, use the women's. This issue is going to cause real problems. Grand daughter (age 10) went to the restroom at WalMart and out strolls a guy with a dress (and yes it was a guy). Guess he was identifying as a woman that day. I complained to the manager who just shrugged her shoulders. BTW: Who the hell wants to live like they do in Europe? If you like it so well, go there.
NC legislation was 100% a morality issue, and you effectively stated so in your response. If it was any other reason unisex bathrooms would be the norm, as you stated. Most facilities in European countries lean thus way; they're not as hung up as we are in the US.

Actually, you are making it a morality issue. Otherwise, the side against the NC law was simply ask for unisex bathrooms. However, that's not what they are doing. They want to keep the male/female bathrooms. They just want to change who is allowed in either one.
If youre a man dressing as a woman and demanding to use a ladies room, you need to be more concerned with your mental health. This isnt a civil rights issue. Its a safety concern for children and real women. Its also a lack of respect for real women using the ladies room who do not want a mentally impaired, perverted man seeing them naked or exposed in any way.
If youre a man dressing as a woman and demanding to use a ladies room, you need to be more concerned with your mental health. This isnt a civil rights issue. Its a safety concern for children and real women. Its also a lack of respect for real women using the ladies room who do not want a mentally impaired, perverted man seeing them naked or exposed in any way.

You're more right than you know. Most people in the mental health field won't tough the transgender issue with a ten foot pole, but silently they do consider a lot of people mentally ill that deal with gender identification issues. Subsequently, now many of these people are being enabled by family members and counselors and whom ever else that wants to stick their untrained, self taught opinions into the fray.
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NC legislation was 100% a morality issue, and you effectively stated so in your response. If it was any other reason unisex bathrooms would be the norm, as you stated. Most facilities in European countries lean thus way; they're not as hung up as we are in the US.
The State of NC did this to themselves, self-inflicted wounds as they say. And the colleges and universities are not the victims either, it's the businesses and tax base in NC that will be impacted the most.

So you think the purpose behind the bill is that it is immoral for men to use designated women's bathrooms and vice versa? Not that so called "cis gendered" people are uncomfortable with a biological member of the opposite sex being in the same bathroom? Or, since the original Charlotte city council ordinance did not specify, a biological member of the opposite sex changing in the same change room at say the YMCA or public pool? Just asking, because not even those OPPOSED to the bill down here (I'm currently living in NC) want to move toward unisex bathrooms. Instead they want the transgendered to be open about it AND externally validated by publicly using whichever facility they "identify" with at that given moment. If it's "legislating morality" then how is it not the same in the opposite direction without simply abolishing the idea of separating bathrooms based upon ANY condition?

I think it's simple for a majority of cases as most all "public" bathrooms are actually just privately owned ones that the owner allows people to use. As such the individual owner has a right to put any such stipulations on bathroom use that they prefer. Government has no right to put regulations on privately owned bathrooms as the Charlotte city council wanted to mandate. The issue of state/city owned bathrooms should have been more thoroughly discussed since I think it does boil down to either there is objective reasoning for bathroom segregation or there isn't one and the only logical conclusion is unisex bathrooms given that transgender and gender fluidity are subjective.
If youre a man dressing as a woman and demanding to use a ladies room, you need to be more concerned with your mental health. This isnt a civil rights issue. Its a safety concern for children and real women. Its also a lack of respect for real women using the ladies room who do not want a mentally impaired, perverted man seeing them naked or exposed in any way.
I agree it's a mental health issue. These people need help. Most are either peds, voyouers,or just plain crazy. Worst yet is a POTUS that backs them. What does it tell you about that that nut? Go job N.C.
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So you think the purpose behind the bill is that it is immoral for men to use designated women's bathrooms and vice versa? Not that so called "cis gendered" people are uncomfortable with a biological member of the opposite sex being in the same bathroom? Or, since the original Charlotte city council ordinance did not specify, a biological member of the opposite sex changing in the same change room at say the YMCA or public pool? Just asking, because not even those OPPOSED to the bill down here (I'm currently living in NC) want to move toward unisex bathrooms. Instead they want the transgendered to be open about it AND externally validated by publicly using whichever facility they "identify" with at that given moment. If it's "legislating morality" then how is it not the same in the opposite direction without simply abolishing the idea of separating bathrooms based upon ANY condition?

I think it's simple for a majority of cases as most all "public" bathrooms are actually just privately owned ones that the owner allows people to use. As such the individual owner has a right to put any such stipulations on bathroom use that they prefer. Government has no right to put regulations on privately owned bathrooms as the Charlotte city council wanted to mandate. The issue of state/city owned bathrooms should have been more thoroughly discussed since I think it does boil down to either there is objective reasoning for bathroom segregation or there isn't one and the only logical conclusion is unisex bathrooms given that transgender and gender fluidity are subjective.

I agree with your assessment. However, what I find ridiculous is that its an issue at all. Of all the problems we can take on in this country, I cannot believe so much energy is being spent on this issue. Only in America.
Maybe I'm not being clear; I perceive this entire issue, both sides of it, to be a morality issue just like alcohol prohibition or what you can or can't do in the privacy of your own home or your personal body.

17 states still make certain sex acts between a married couple illegal. You can't buy alcohol in many counties across the country. And let's not even go down the abortion road.

All of these are morality issues and, as with Prohibition the the 1920s and 30s, it is foolish to attempt to legislate morality.
What % of these what-ever they are exist. We change millions of people's lives for a few mental cases. Don't try to tell anyone that the freak peds and mental nuts won't use this to spy out little girls. It's already happened. Outlaw this insanity, when the insanity and chief leaves the his nut house. Which can't be soon enough.
What % of these what-ever they are exist. We change millions of people's lives for a few mental cases. Don't try to tell anyone that the freak peds and mental nuts won't use this to spy out little girls. It's already happened. Outlaw this insanity, when the insanity and chief leaves the his nut house. Which can't be soon enough.
And where/when does this nonsense stop? What's next? Respecting pedophiles and their rights to work in a daycare?
I agree with your assessment. However, what I find ridiculous is that its an issue at all. Of all the problems we can take on in this country, I cannot believe so much energy is being spent on this issue. Only in America.

Unfortunately I agree that it should not be an issue, however it is a slippery slope. The issue with the debate is not allowing transgender people the same rights and requiring they follow the same laws as the rest of us. The issue is wanting acceptance and advocacy of their position that their FEELING about who they are is more important than OBJECTIVE truths about who they are. Wearing a tinfoil hat while insisting that the Illuminati is eavesdropping on your thoughts through your fillings, believing you are God, or insisting that you are a sentient lifeform from another planet is labeled as a delusion and considered a mental health diagnosis. However, they are not only asking that you ignore how stating that you are of a certain sex despite physical genitalia and genetic composition consistent with the opposite sex is similar to the delusions mentioned above. They insist that the public accept and advocate for it in by having special rules that do not apply to them. By not advocating for unisex restrooms they are stating that if you are NOT transgendered that you shouldn't be allowed in the opposite sex bathroom as it is only for those of the opposite sex and transgendered. Denying a transgendered person their Constitutional rights is wrong, however not having people agree with your perceptions or feelings and having to comply with the same regulations as the rest of the population despite feeling you are a special case is NOT a Constitutional right. Give into this SUBJECTIVE notion that flies directly in the face of all OBJECTIVE evidence to the contrary and then what other current delusions will the law and citizenry be forced to entertain next?
More stupid laws for police to enforce. Nobody gives a crap about people with female parts and mens clothing using a (mens) bathroom stall, women sure as hell aren't using urinals. No, this is some new stupid law targeting the few men dressed in women's clothing who maybe, might expose themselves just so the morality police can beat their chests. If they could only get as worked up by the rape statistics committed by men dressed as... men.
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More stupid laws for police to enforce. Nobody gives a crap about people with female parts and mens clothing using a (mens) bathroom stall, women sure as hell aren't using urinals. No, this is some new stupid law targeting the few men dressed in women's clothing who maybe, might expose themselves just so the morality police can beat their chests. If they could only get as worked up by the rape statistics committed by men dressed as... men.
Totally missing the point. Nobody cares about those freaks exposing themselves as much as the humilation of the real women in the changing areas, ladies rooms, and godforbid the shower stalls in the schools who are forced to give up their privacy. And the worst part is the safety concerns for potential rape of women and molestation of children. All of this to satisfy a small group of mentally ill people.
Totally missing the point. Nobody cares about those freaks exposing themselves as much as the humilation of the real women in the changing areas, ladies rooms, and godforbid the shower stalls in the schools who are forced to give up their privacy. And the worst part is the safety concerns for potential rape of women and molestation of children. All of this to satisfy a small group of mentally ill people.
No, I think you are totally missing the point. Those people are already out there urinating and defecating somewhere already. Why does there have to be another law telling them where to go and where they can't go? We already have laws against rape and indecent exposure. Why do we need more laws? Women dressed as men won't be able to use a urinal in the mens room and men dressed as women won't be able to find a urinal in the womens room. So if they go into a bathroom because they have to piss or take a dump it is going to have to be in a stall for all of them. I've got no theories about transgendered people and don't know if they are confused, mentally ill, or just unlucky. I think the unisex bathroom is a good idea for a lot of situations. Don't really have a good solution for the locker room. Probably embarassing for everyone involved.
. Why does there have to be another law telling them where to go and where they can't go

Tell all your trans friends to stop by your house when they need to take a leak or dump then. You can leave the door open or close it as you see fit. Be a freak if you want but leave the rest of us alone. lol
NC legislation was 100% a morality issue, and you effectively stated so in your response. If it was any other reason unisex bathrooms would be the norm, as you stated. Most facilities in European countries lean thus way; they're not as hung up as we are in the US.
The State of NC did this to themselves, self-inflicted wounds as they say. And the colleges and universities are not the victims either, it's the businesses and tax base in NC that will be impacted the most.

I travel to Europe yearly. Actually I'm posting from the Shannon Airport in Ireland right now. I just left the men's(gents) bathroom and walked right by the ladies bathroom. Was in London and Dublin this trip. Your statement about "most facilities" is of course not correct. At least in the 8-10 countries I've traveled through. Your overall point, well, misses the point. Political correctness from one of he most corrupt and unethical organizations in the United States is what this is all about. That would be the NCAA. They are just following the masses. Playing the Mr Obvious role like the morons that run the NCAA are. You are correct about actually who takes the brunt of this on the financial chops.
Well the thing is, it was the pro-transgender bathroom crowd that started passing laws about where people can and can't go.
I thought about this a little more last night. As a proportion of the population, I don't think there are huge numbers of transgender people out there. On the one hand, most probably don't want to make sweeping changes to accommodate such a small number of people by pissing off the majority, on the other hand if you find you are a parent or a relative or even a friend of a transgender kid, you want the best for them. Morality, constitutional rights and psychology make for an interesting stew. I think people have a constitutional right to their own sexuality, whether they are mentally ill or not. As long as they leave me alone, I don't care who is taking a dump in the stall next to me. When it comes to locker room situations, things get a lot more complicated. Maybe they can attend a school for the blind so that nobody can see their genitalia.
I thought about this a little more last night. As a proportion of the population, I don't think there are huge numbers of transgender people out there. On the one hand, most probably don't want to make sweeping changes to accommodate such a small number of people by pissing off the majority, on the other hand if you find you are a parent or a relative or even a friend of a transgender kid, you want the best for them. Morality, constitutional rights and psychology make for an interesting stew. I think people have a constitutional right to their own sexuality, whether they are mentally ill or not. As long as they leave me alone, I don't care who is taking a dump in the stall next to me. When it comes to locker room situations, things get a lot more complicated. Maybe they can attend a school for the blind so that nobody can see their genitalia.
Or maybe we can get them the necessary psychological help they truly need. A famous psychologist from (I believe?) John Hopkins wrote an article saying he believes after 30+ years dealing with transgendered people, it is a mental disorder. Why are we listening to a bunch of clueless liberals like Obama? Just like his famed Obamacare. Unqualified liberal politicians thinking they know best over professionally trained people in those fields.
Or maybe we can get them the necessary psychological help they truly need. A famous psychologist from (I believe?) John Hopkins wrote an article saying he believes after 30+ years dealing with transgendered people, it is a mental disorder. Why are we listening to a bunch of clueless liberals like Obama? Just like his famed Obamacare. Unqualified liberal politicians thinking they know best over professionally trained people in those fields.
just cause you think it doesn't make it so. Chromosomes don't lie. let me guess, your sexuality was a choice? lol
Legislating morality just makes you look foolish.

I wonder where all the folks that are confused about their identify have been using the rest room all these years prior to North Carolina law? I mean this ain't something new. I'll just bet the folks that are confused about their identify have been right in there with you and I. We just never knew. Duh.
just cause you think it doesn't make it so. Chromosomes don't lie. let me guess, your sexuality was a choice? lol
We sure dont need to be catering to the mentally ill. Treat the problem. God said your a man or woman. He gave you the correct parts. Its the brain thats broken.
I wonder where all the folks that are confused about their identify have been using the rest room all these years prior to North Carolina law? I mean this ain't something new. I'll just bet the folks that are confused about their identify have been right in there with you and I. We just never knew. Duh.

For years I thought I was a Lesbian because I really like sex with women! :cool2:
I thought about this a little more last night. As a proportion of the population, I don't think there are huge numbers of transgender people out there. On the one hand, most probably don't want to make sweeping changes to accommodate such a small number of people by pissing off the majority, on the other hand if you find you are a parent or a relative or even a friend of a transgender kid, you want the best for them. Morality, constitutional rights and psychology make for an interesting stew. I think people have a constitutional right to their own sexuality, whether they are mentally ill or not. As long as they leave me alone, I don't care who is taking a dump in the stall next to me. When it comes to locker room situations, things get a lot more complicated. Maybe they can attend a school for the blind so that nobody can see their genitalia.

The right to one's own sexuality has nothing to do with the use of public restrooms. These issues are being conflated. The use of public restrooms has never had anything to do with a person's sexual "identity". Public restrooms have been separated on a completely utilitarian basis, which is physical characteristics. You have one physical attribute, you use the men's room. You have another physical attribute, you use the women's room. It's the same rule for everybody. There is no different standard. People who are transgendered are being treated exactly the same as everyone else: they are evaluated based on physical characteristics.
The right to one's own sexuality has nothing to do with the use of public restrooms. These issues are being conflated. The use of public restrooms has never had anything to do with a person's sexual "identity". Public restrooms have been separated on a completely utilitarian basis, which is physical characteristics. You have one physical attribute, you use the men's room. You have another physical attribute, you use the women's room. It's the same rule for everybody. There is no different standard. People who are transgendered are being treated exactly the same as everyone else: they are evaluated based on physical characteristics.
Actually I think the rule all along has been if you LOOK like a woman you use the women's restroom, if you LOOK like a man you use the men's. God forbid you have to start showing your genitalia to take a leak. Apparently there is another group of human beings called intersexuals that I think used to be called hermaphrodites. They have mixed up parts to some degree. Penis and breasts, testes and ovaries. Life is damned cruel to some people.
Actually I think the rule all along has been if you LOOK like a woman you use the women's restroom, if you LOOK like a man you use the men's. God forbid you have to start showing your genitalia to take a leak. Apparently there is another group of human beings called intersexuals that I think used to be called hermaphrodites. They have mixed up parts to some degree. Penis and breasts, testes and ovaries. Life is damned cruel to some people.

No, it's always been based on physical characteristics. Here is the bottom line on this issue. It really isn't about discrimination, sexuality, or anything like that. Some of these transgendered people are looking for validation. They think that by using the women's restroom, for example, it somehow reinforces in their minds their desire to be a woman. Well, the fact is, they aren't women. Just because you believe something in your mind doesn't make it true in reality. Nothing is going to change the fact that these transgendered people are really men or women. The validation of certain people's self image in not a reasonable basis for public policy.
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The right to one's own sexuality has nothing to do with the use of public restrooms. These issues are being conflated. The use of public restrooms has never had anything to do with a person's sexual "identity". Public restrooms have been separated on a completely utilitarian basis, which is physical characteristics. You have one physical attribute, you use the men's room. You have another physical attribute, you use the women's room. It's the same rule for everybody. There is no different standard. People who are transgendered are being treated exactly the same as everyone else: they are evaluated based on physical characteristics.

Where have these transition (dress included) folks been using public facilities for the last 100 years? I have never noticed that womanses dressed like men have invaded my privacy although.........I'll bet it has happened countless times. Why am I so confused?
Where have these transition (dress included) folks been using public facilities for the last 100 years? I have never noticed that womanses dressed like men have invaded my privacy although.........I'll bet it has happened countless times. Why am I so confused?

Easy answer. It's only recently that transgendered people have been openly transgender. In the past, they were simply dressing as their biological gender in public.
Where have these transition (dress included) folks been using public facilities for the last 100 years? I have never noticed that womanses dressed like men have invaded my privacy although.........I'll bet it has happened countless times. Why am I so confused?

Pickle fumes. It's prime jarring season.

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