MSM is conditioning the American people that Kamala is gaining on Trump


Aug 19, 2005
Don’t believe it. Has anyone on here been called? How can anyone believe this nonsense when she doesn’t even have a running mate. Fake news
Don’t believe it. Has anyone on here been called? How can anyone believe this nonsense when she doesn’t even have a running mate. Fake news

Next thing you know they will delete the page below and try and convince us she wasn't the Vice President running things while Joe suffered from Dementia.

Or go ahead and vote for her Democrats. Don't come crying to me when it gets even worse after the election and you find out they hide from you Biden has been struggling from Dementia longer than you knew and she's been in charge the entire time.

Kamala Harris struggles through question on inflation during CBS interview​

Stumble comes follows rumors that Harris refuses to read staff briefings​

Be careful what you wish for. Some people having more freedom to say what they really think and know doesn't always work out the way you thought it would you Communist Turd Tyrant.

Don’t believe it. Has anyone on here been called? How can anyone believe this nonsense when she doesn’t even have a running mate. Fake news

They want people to watch. That's fine watch. Shit I watch just so I can mock their stupidity and corruption.
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