Mrs Clinton seems to be drawing fire from the left wing

orlando eer

Aug 26, 2002
press that 0 never had to face. The Clintons seemed to be good at running rackets, but now it seems either the dime is either being dropped on them or there is just to much corruption to hide. Do you think the drip, drip ,drip of corruption will weaken her as a candidare.?
The left and the left wing press want Warren, not Clinton. This means the press coverage of Clinton will be much stronger than anything Obama experienced. The MSM is corrupt. SImple bias cannot explain what they did for Obama. They had an agenda.
Heard this AM that the Benghazi investigation was going to be delayed until 2016. Does that mean they are going to take turns at her? Doubt the lead Senator from SC would give up quickly.
Actually CONGRESSMAN Gowdy rebutted the delay charge. If you want to read between the lines a little, here goes: Gowdy is a bit pissed over the feet dragging tactics by Hillary and State. To reply in kind, he is going to release the final report during the campaign season next year rather than as the report is finished. Do believe the ol' boy is going to rub the Lady's nose in it just a bit.

If he released the final report now, they could do a bit of cover up and when it is mentioned during the heat of the campaign, they would yell "old News already been covered". Funny how those things work when a sly fox meets a sly fox hunter.

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