
Golf is for ancient sissies, so enjoy yourself, Pa Pa Putter. MichiganHerd plays just so he has an excuse to drink more beer.
Golf is for ancient sissies, so enjoy yourself, Pa Pa Putter. MichiganHerd plays just so he has an excuse to drink more beer.
I don't need an excuse to drink good beer, but do use golf as a very good reason to get out of the house.
79 degrees and sunny here.........Broke out the fishing gear earlier today, & took the dog for a long walk in the woods while we were at the lake. Next on the agenda is to down a couple of brewskis while I grill up a couple of porterhouse steaks.
79 degrees and sunny here.........Broke out the fishing gear earlier today, & took the dog for a long walk in the woods while we were at the lake. Next on the agenda is to down a couple of brewskis while I grill up a couple of porterhouse steaks.
ribeyes here...with a buffalo trace chaser