Huntington, WV Crime and Crime Rate
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The Huntington crime rate is much higher than the West Virginia average crime rate and is much higher than the national average crime rate.
Crime Index, #136
Huntington, WV
West Virginia
The crime index value is calculated based on the data using algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.
Huntington, WV Crime by Year
Year Location Description Murders Rapes Robberies Assaults Burglaries Thefts Vehicle Thefts Arson Crime Index
2007 Huntington, WV Count 3 47 181 136 1,268 2,061 297 27
Huntington, WV Per 100,000 6.2 96.6 371.9 279.4 2,605.4 4,234.7 610.2 55.5 4,082
West Virginia Per 100,000 3.5 20.4 47.0 204.3 596.8 1,735.5 192.7 NA 1,258
U.S. Per 100,000 5.6 30.0 147.6 283.8 722.5 2,177.8 363.3 NA 1,827
2006 Huntington, WV Count 0 45 180 124 1,208 2,321 305 9
Huntington, WV Per 100,000 0.0 91.4 365.5 251.8 2,453.2 4,713.5 619.4 18.3 3,973
West Virginia Per 100,000 4.1 21.4 46.9 207.3 634.1 1,771.8 215.6 NA 1,314
U.S. Per 100,000 5.7 30.9 149.4 287.5 729.4 2,206.8 398.4 NA 1,867
2005 Huntington, WV Count 11 36 164 114 1,071 2,296 310 28
Huntington, WV Per 100,000 22.0 72.1 328.4 228.3 2,144.9 4,598.3 620.8 56.1 3,947
West Virginia Per 100,000 4.4 17.7 44.6 206.1 621.2 1,794.0 210.0 NA 1,292
U.S. Per 100,000 5.6 31.7 140.7 291.1 726.7 2,286.3 416.7 NA 1,888