Lol, and no this is not me:

Listening to that makes me wonder how the "F" word ever made its way into everyday language. It has become the go to word for younger people regardless of where they are or who else hears and it doesn't sit well with me. A few years ago I had my family in a fast food restaurant on a bad winter weather day when few people ventured out. The only people there were my family and six college age young men, and of course the restaurant staff. All you could hear was those guys effin this, effin that, it was eff about every third word out of their mouths and it almost echoed through the place. I told my wife that I may take an ass kicking for doing it but I walked to their table and told them to look at where I had been sitting "Do you see my wife and two young daughters sitting over there ? I don't appreciate the vulgar language you're making them listen to and I wish you'd tone it down." Fully expecting them to tell me to "F" off, I was surprised when one of them apologized to me by saying "We are sorry sir". I never heard another foul word from them. After they left the restaurant manager came out and thanked me saying he should have handled it himself but didn't know how to go about it. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I can get a point across without resorting to vulgarity. The narrator on your clip made himself sound like an idiot because he can't do the same.
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