Let's show some love for Ron Cook

Cuyahoga Falls Eers

May 29, 2001
WVU's offensive line coach. The O line is one of two major reasons that WVU is unbeaten. The other is Gibby's defensive DC job.

On one play against Tech, Adam Panke blocked TWO defenders that were three yards from one block to the other block! That's incredible.

Alabama is famous for this. WVU may not be Alabama, but it is showing a near-Saban level performance for the Mountaineers.

Skyler Howard is no Major Harris or Pat White, but he doesn't have to be with this offensive line. Skyler's toughness is indisputable, and his smarts is improving in 2016, with fewer interceptions, in part because of the O line and in part because Skyler's a year smarter and more intelligent.

Sure, WVU has a long way to go. But I'm proud of this team.

I think Gibby's defense needs to clean up some of the missed first tackles, but that could be a product of his aggressive, risk-taking strategy, so you live with the long gainers to get a defense that simply baffles, frustrates and demoralizes offenses.

The key is: "What the hell are these guys going to do on this play?" Again and again, offenses are eating up all their timeouts because they are confused about what to call against Gibby's defense.

This is a defense, mind you, that a majority of the time rushes THREE defenders. And still shuts down and gets sacks. Because the offense doesn't know when a 4th defender, from the left or right linebacker spots, will come flying in, immediately or on a delay, for a sack (5 against Tech). Gibby is brilliant!

And, yes, as I wrote previously, Dana's playcalling against Tech was by far his best of the season. Look, no one is going to make the right playcalls every time. Football is a chess match with humans in protective gear. It's the total package that counts. If you win far more than you lose, you win the game.

Let's just enjoy this unbeaten season for however long it lasts, then enjoy it for the rest of the season. It is a GREAT time to be a Mountaineer!

Yes, I know, there are 5 opponents left with a combined 21-9 record, so it's a STEEP mountain to climb. But are we not Mountaineers? Climbing mountains is what we have done all our lives. Hell, I did it when I was a kid growing up in Monongah. OK, so they weren't mountains, but to a 6-year-old, those hills, those West Virginia hills, seemed like mountains to be as I chased my buddies up and down them.

Now, let's enjoy some Frog Soup on Saturday!

M anhandled Missouri, 26-11

O rdinary against Youngstown, 38-21

U nnerving miracle goalline tip/interception escapes BYU, 35-32

N o quit against Kansas State, 17-16

T ony’s turbulence tore up Texas Tech, 48-17

A nnihilate TCU

I mpale Oklahoma State

N ail Kansas

E radicate Texas

E rectile dysfunction Oklahoma

R oll over Iowa State

S uffocate Baylor
Haha when I read your thread I was like Ron Cook is a sports writer in Pittsburgh I thought he wrote a positive article on us, but you meant Ron Crook the o line coach
Haha when I read your thread I was like Ron Cook is a sports writer in Pittsburgh I thought he wrote a positive article on us, but you meant Ron Crook the o line coach
You R right, sir! Right line coach. Bad 84 year old typing fingers.

I did spell it right on the other WVU sports forum. .500 is good if you're batting for the Indians in baseball, but not if you're trying to win the Big 12 in football.
I don't know if you realize it or not, but your posts are exhibited in my Yahoo home page. I'm not sure whether it's due to my "preferences" or your "masterful" self-promotion. Good work... nevertheless.
One with editing experience could actually correct one's own inadvertent title typo, unless

1) the error was done by design in order to attract more responses or

2) even veteran newspapermen see little value in getting someone's name right for public display.

"Just leave it up's OK. He won't one wants to be called a crook anyway!"

Poor he's up there with Skylar, Mullen, Holgerson and Rodriquez...
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I don't know if you realize it or not, but your posts are exhibited in my Yahoo home page. I'm not sure whether it's due to my "preferences" or your "masterful" self-promotion. Good work... nevertheless.

Into every life some "reign" must fall, huh? :sunglasses:

M anhandled Missouri, 26-11

O rdinary against Youngstown, 38-21

U nnerving miracle goalline tip/interception escapes BYU, 35-32

N o quit against Kansas State, 17-16

T ony’s turbulence tore up Texas Tech, 48-17

A nnihilate TCU

I mpale Oklahoma State

N ail Kansas

E radicate Texas

E rectile dysfunction Oklahoma

R oll over Iowa State

S uffocate Baylor