

Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
Saturday on "Morning Martini," from the Wisconsin Conservative Action Conference, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told a story about discussing the future deficit numbers with President Barack Obama at the White House.

While discussing putting everything on the table to deal with the debt and deficit, Johnson said after showing Obama the numbers on the 30-year projection of the deficit, he asked him to "show the America people the numbers. Take to the America people the truth."

Johnson continued, "You know what he told me. He said Ron, we can't show the America public numbers that big. If we do it will scare them. They will give up hope."
I'm still waiting for people to step up and give me examples of ........

................. the great job he's doing.

Have not heard a single one as of yet.
Would Ron Johnson advocate this and then relay this with a GOP Pres?

The answer is no he wouldn't.

And that's exactly what's wrong with our "leaders". They have no principles whatsoever. Their comments and actions can be one way for this person and then the exact opposite for somebody of the other party.

Just like you.
I'm not sure how much stock I put

in someone who doesn't know the difference between the debt and the deficit. Deficits don't get projected out 30 years.

To criticize a President over the deficit isn't exactly fair. Congress has a role in the budget and spending. I could say that Reagan had one of the largest deficits in history, but that wouldn't be fair. Clinton balanced the budget and the economy, surprisingly, still did well during his term.
I recall one of Reagan's economists, either Gramm or Rudman, saying...

...'F the deficit, we need to get the economy going.'
Re: I recall one of Reagan's economists, either Gramm or Rudman, saying...

Nearly $19T in debt and our economy still sucks
Re: I recall one of Reagan's economists, either Gramm or Rudman, saying...

I'm not sure of what separates deficit from debt, although I'm fairly certain they're connected. I don't know the repercussions of national debt. Annexation of US Territories? Nah. Military action against the US? Nah. Economic sanctions? Maybe?

I haven't been sure what money even is for a long time. A promise? Sheesh, It's like a global house of cards.
every libtard response to this has been

Asking if ron johnson is dumb or would ron johnson do this to a gop president. I didnt realize ron johnson was our nations elected leader. What was mom jeans response?
Yes deficicits do get projected out.

A deficit is the shortfall of a yearly budget and yes you do anticipate shortfalls for yearly budgets

The debt is the accumulation of deficits and it is also projected as a total of all the shortfalls. In order to project the debt you must have many projected deficits.....VERY simple to understand...this isn't astrophysics just simple accounting.
"Morning Martini" ? Really ? Lol

And I'm sure he has many opportunities to discuss issues with the POTUS.
Re: "Morning Martini" ? Really ? Lol

Originally posted by Keyser76:
And I'm sure he has many opportunities to discuss issues with the POTUS.