LD said he'd fix the VA....yep he fixed it allright

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
wait times of 3 months or more just to see a dr.......60 billion thrown at the VA for what?,....the AVERAGE time to have a claim settled is 1255 days....that's about 3.5 years for you folks like marie barf who only use little bout "candyland" in Wisconsin that never saw an opiate it didn't incomplete vets center that's already got a billion dollars in cost overruns.....sure sounds like he fixed it....
Re: Of course he can fix in 9 months what has taken 50 years to break

After all, he is Ozbama the Great and Powerful!

Never mind that there are 19 million veterans while the VA has tens of thousands of vacant doctor positions, it's all Obama's fault.
go to and look in WV

Originally posted by Popeer:
while the VA has tens of thousands of vacant doctor positions
It's almost all doctors and nurses for VA's, probably pretty similar everyplace else.

Also, they were dealing with a scheduling system from the 80's that has to be replaced. In the private sector that can happen relatively quickly, but in government it has to be contracted and that takes months just to have an RFP written, receive proposals, make an award, and then have the work done.

That's assuming that there isn't a protest after the award (on something this size, there most assuredly will be), which will drag it out quite a bit longer. Again, before work can even begin.

The system is from the 80s. Bush 1 could have updated it, Clinton could have updated it, Bush 2 could have updated it, but none of them did. I think we all agree it needs to happen quickly, but nothing can happen that quickly in government.
Huggs said he could "fix it" and performed magic

Obama "fix it" is to buy time until he comes up with something to replace it on the front page.
Re: Of course he can fix in 9 months what has taken 50 years to break

How many veterans were promised appropriate medical care when they signed up? Those big numbers are only meaningful if it is accomplishment. VA effectiveness has not been enhanced under this president to keep pace with money spent.

Another bitch. Brother is having some dental work done via VA. Instead of giving appointments, they are giving arrival times of 8AM or 1PM. That is inconsiderate to the patient without regard to the provider. Shows absolute inability to make and keep appointments by whoever the provider is.