Last night's loss reminds me of the

Neither one of you hates WVU. Neither do I. None of us would be here if we did. We all get frustrated.
I have said for years, nobody who takes the time to make an account on a sports Message Board because they love talking about their team is a fake fan lol. But people do get frustrated. WVU football is going through the worst stretch in 40 years and everybody has their own opinion.
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Lmao that's one of the dumbest things you've ever said on here and you've had some epic fails. Butthurt is so bad with you lol
That's a lie. You have claimed many other of my post the dumbest ever. But I get it. What you really hate is WVU fans that support their team because they love the school and you just don't understand that. Whoever is coaching or playing they cheer for them win or lose. Sure they get upset at losses but they don't attack players or coaches. I respect that of them. But you just love accusing those dedicated fans of being butthurt. Somebody disagrees with you then it's automatic with you and the butthurt replies.

I cheer for WVU. But also get upset with poor play and bad losses which part is due to coaches and the other portion is due to poor play by the team.

So continue with your child shit games and post. I don't care. One thing I know though is you're easy to troll hook line and sinker.
That's a lie. You have claimed many other of my post the dumbest ever. But I get it. What you really hate is WVU fans that support their team because they love the school and you just don't understand that. Whoever is coaching or playing they cheer for them win or lose. Sure they get upset at losses but they don't attack players or coaches. I respect that of them. But you just love accusing those dedicated fans of being butthurt. Somebody disagrees with you then it's automatic with you and the butthurt replies.

I cheer for WVU. But also get upset with poor play and bad losses which part is due to coaches and the other portion is due to poor play by the team.

So continue with your child shit games and post. I don't care. One thing I know though is you're easy to troll hook line and sinker.
Games... of defending my opinion from a bunch of ppl who can't handle someone who is done with Neal brown lol? Get a life George. I don't attack people for trusting the climb. It's quite the opposite with you little wussys though....
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Games... of defending my opinion from a bunch of ppl who can't handle someone who is done with Neal brown lol? Get a life George. I don't attack people for trusting the climb. It's quite the opposite with you little wussys though....
Thanks for proving my point on all counts.
I have said for years, nobody who takes the time to make an account on a sports Message Board because they love talking about their team is a fake fan lol. But people do get frustrated. WVU football is going through the worst stretch in 40 years and everybody has their own opinion.

That's a lie. You have claimed many other of my post the dumbest ever. But I get it. What you really hate is WVU fans that support their team because they love the school and you just don't understand that. Whoever is coaching or playing they cheer for them win or lose. Sure they get upset at losses but they don't attack players or coaches. I respect that of them. But you just love accusing those dedicated fans of being butthurt. Somebody disagrees with you then it's automatic with you and the butthurt replies.

I cheer for WVU. But also get upset with poor play and bad losses which part is due to coaches and the other portion is due to poor play by the team.

So continue with your child shit games and post. I don't care. One thing I know though is you're easy to troll hook line and sinker.
If I ever get the pleasure to meet both of you, I’ll buy you each a beer.
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Thanks for proving my point on all counts.
You have trolled me on here for years about all kinds of stuff lol. You are a liar as usual, to say I dont love WVU, and you know it but that is your game is to gaslight when you get butthurt. I forgive you for it though. Dude, I grew up in Morgantown a die-hard, graduated from WVU twice, worked for WVU, and had season tickets from age 6 to age 38. My entire family including my daughter graduated from WVU. Aunts, uncles, some played sports, we have trophies. I have gone to so many games I cant wrap my head around it. I could show you pictures of Sunnyside that would raise your eyebrows and your pulse. I literally had to back off in recent years lol. I have spent so many thousands of dollars tailgating and going to games over the years I had to take a chill, no shit. For 10 years now. Big Cat Soccorsi was a very close personal friend of mine in real life, btw. After he passed, the games werent the same. If you dont know who he is, then you just dont know. I havent had season tickets in 10 years, but I dont miss a game on TV and radio, ever. I love WVU and always will, But guess what? Neal Brown is a clown and he is sinking WVU football lol. Rich Rod is far superior and I would take him over Neal in a heartbeat. Neal is worth paying a 30 mil buyout to save the program from being bored to death lol. Have a good night.
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I was broke long before rich fraud.

Forgiving people is a very empowering thing. I am sure you have forgiven people for worse things than Rich Rod leaving WVU for Michigan. If not, you should try it. This whole idea that fans hate Rich Rod after taking us to heights that no other coach has, and providing the best memories in WVU football history is ridiculous. Add to it, many of those same fans are praising a coach who has provided the worst or 2nd worst memories in WVU football history and what you have is a backwards situation based on harsh feelings, grudges and fear of being hurt. Forgiving Rich is the first step towards healing.....js.
It isn't a matter of forgiving. It is never forgetting. With some things, a person is never entitled a second chance especially when they act in a manner of being so selfish over their own desires and lying to an entire state and their own football team. The issue was many years ago and both parties have moved on. No need for either party to ever come together again and it is far past the time for those willing to take him back like a beaten wife to just realize a reconciliation will never happen.
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Forgiving people is a very empowering thing. I am sure you have forgiven people for worse things than Rich Rod leaving WVU for Michigan. If not, you should try it. This whole idea that fans hate Rich Rod after taking us to heights that no other coach has, and providing the best memories in WVU football history is ridiculous. Add to it, many of those same fans are praising a coach who has provided the worst or 2nd worst memories in WVU football history and what you have is a backwards situation based on harsh feelings, grudges and fear of being hurt. Forgiving Rich is the first step towards healing.....js.
Just because I forgive him doesn't mean I would still want him as a a head coach. There are better out there and younger. I have yet to see anyone praise Neal in the last 2 seasons. I have seen many cheering for their favorite team win or lose.

You have no idea if I have forgiven, forgotten or don't care. This is you just projecting again what someone on a message board typed in.
Just because I forgive him doesn't mean I would still want him as a a head coach. There are better out there and younger. I have yet to see anyone praise Neal in the last 2 seasons. I have seen many cheering for their favorite team win or lose.

You have no idea if I have forgiven, forgotten or don't care. This is you just projecting again what someone on a message board typed in.
I have never seen a fan cheer against WVU because they want Brown or any other coach fired, ever. It is made up fantasy by the climb trusters so they have a way to fancy themselves as better fans than others which is really dumb. Like VGA/BRU for instance. That dude cant leave it alone when someone is done with Brown lol. Its lame. Fans are allowed to have opinions. Just because a bunch of fans are done with Brown despite what he does this season, doesnt mean they are fake fans. The karen shit is the only reason this turns into ugly debates online. A person makes an antiBrown comment and it turns into a big debate because they get called names for their opinions lol. Well I have no problem calling names right back..... Wimps
I have never seen a fan cheer against WVU because they want Brown or any other coach fired, ever. It is made up fantasy by the climb trusters so they have a way to fancy themselves as better fans than others which is really dumb. Like VGA/BRU for instance. That dude cant leave it alone when someone is done with Brown lol. Its lame. Fans are allowed to have opinions. Just because a bunch of fans are done with Brown despite what he does this season, doesnt mean they are fake fans. The karen shit is the only reason this turns into ugly debates online. A person makes an antiBrown comment and it turns into a big debate because they get called names for their opinions lol. Well I have no problem calling names right back..... Wimps
I have no idea who Karen is. I have no debate as I don't care one way or the other what Rod does. WVU rehires him (which I don't think they will) then fine I will cheer just as hard.

I think majority of people are bandwagon fans and they are everywhere on every team.
It isn't a matter of forgiving. It is never forgetting. With some things, a person is never entitled a second chance especially when they act in a manner of being so selfish over their own desires and lying to an entire state and their own football team. The issue was many years ago and both parties have moved on. No need for either party to ever come together again and it is far past the time for those willing to take him back like a beaten wife to just realize a reconciliation will never happen.
Dramatic VGA. I have news for you. Those willing to take him back, are willing to because they think he can still coach well, and would actualy be a really good fit at WVU. Your words show weakness and butthurt, yet you accuse others of that that and more because they arent bitter about RR like you are. Neal Brown is the worst WVU football coach ever, btw.
I have no idea who Karen is. I have no debate as I don't care one way or the other what Rod does. WVU rehires him (which I don't think they will) then fine I will cheer just as hard.

I think majority of people are bandwagon fans and they are everywhere on every team.

I respect your opinion on that, but I think bandwagons fans for teams like WVU are a big minority.
Then you need to visit the blue lot.
Never been there, however I've been thinking about it just to support the site.

Perspective says that WVU is going through the worst stretch since the 70s' in football, and our HOF bball coach got drunk and messed up, and they fkd that whole situation up too. So I could see a ton of skepticism for especially with younger fans. The fix for the bandwagoneers is upgrading Brown, and Eilert working out which will hopefully happen in a big way. Gee and WVU could have saved a lot of crap by suspending Huggs indefinitely to work out letting him go in a better way, (which is what my sig is an ode to) instead of firing him at 6am before people could even think about it for a minute. Its called damage control, and leaves people with a sense that we have decent leadership, but they failed bad at it and it turned into a more ugly thing than it had to be. A lot of fans are like WTF still.....but I think you and I know its temporary. So do a lot of the fans on this message board. WVU is going to get back on track, and rise above it all. Its just a matter of time.
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Never been there, however I've been thinking about it just to support the site.

Perspective says that WVU is going through the worst stretch since the 70s' in football, and our HOF bball coach got drunk and messed up, and they fkd that whole situation up too. So I could see a ton of skepticism for especially with younger fans. The fix for the bandwagoneers is upgrading Brown, and Eilert working out which will hopefully happen in a big way. Gee and WVU could have saved a lot of crap by suspending Huggs indefinitely to work out letting him go in a better way, (which is what my sig is an ode to) instead of firing him at 6am before people could even think about it for a minute. Its called damage control, and leaves people with a sense that we have decent leadership, but they failed bad at it and it turned into a more ugly thing than it had to be. A lot of fans are like WTF still.....but I think you and I know its temporary. So do a lot of the fans on this message board. WVU is going to get back on track, and rise above it all. Its just a matter of time.
To get back on track Gee must go as well as Brown and his staff. I can't place any of this mess on Wren as he was brought into a no win situation. More than likely though he will lose his job as well.

Huggins deserved to be fired as he brought shame and bad news to WVU in just 1 short month. Huggins never knew when to shut up or put down the bottle. Hope he gets the help he needs. Perhaps his new pod cast will begin that healing process between him, the athletic department, fans and staff.
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To get back on track Gee must go as well as Brown and his staff. I can't place any of this mess on Wren as he was brought into a no win situation. More than likely though he will lose his job as well.

Huggins deserved to be fired as he brought shame and bad news to WVU in just 1 short month. Huggins never knew when to shut up or put down the bottle. Hope he gets the help he needs. Perhaps his new pod cast will begin that healing process between him, the athletic department, fans and staff.
I like Wren Baker and hope he gets a chance to show us what he has got. So far so good with him. Gee, is an issue, and so is woke throughout all of WVU and Morgantown. WVU as a whole is figuring that stuff out the hard way right now. Its my hometown that this garbage is destroying. I'm praying it gets fixed asap....
I like Wren Baker and hope he gets a chance to show us what he has got. So far so good with him. Gee, is an issue, and so is woke throughout all of WVU and Morgantown. WVU as a whole is figuring that stuff out the hard way right now. Thats my hometown that this garbage is destroying. I'm praying it gets fixed asap....
BOG extended his contract 2 more years. Time to boot some BOG members.
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