Kinda wierd around here


Apr 16, 2014
This board is almost unrecognizable now that WVU is 3-0 and looks very impressive.

A few posters have mysteriously disappeared wonder what happened?
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They'll be back as soon as WVU loses.
It's as predictable as a bear defecating in the woods.
Here's hoping they don't come back in October because that will mean that WVU is 4-0 for the October Octopus Onslaught and the WVU Octopus Defense is for real.
Please, God.

M ighty defense throttled Georgia Southern, 44-0

O utstanding defense obliterated Liberty, 41-17

U nilaterally decimated Maryland, 45-6, on defense and offense

N euter Oklahoma with Octopus Defense

T rample Oklahoma State

A nnihilate Baylor

I ncinerate TCU

N ail Texas Tech

E rectile dysfunction Texas

E viscerate Kansas

R ip open a new one for Iowa State

S kewer Kansas State
This board is almost unrecognizable now that WVU is 3-0 and looks very impressive.

A few posters have mysteriously disappeared wonder what happened?

I see you're trying to stir the pot again. Just note that I was here during the good times and the bad (since you're all caught up in other people's posting habits).

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