Kerry does it again


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
What a moron. He testified in Congress and said that Bibi could not be trusted with his opinion on the Iran negotiations because he supported the US led war in Iraq, therefore Bibi's judgment is in question. The very same war that Kerry voted to authorize and defended that vote when he ran for President.
Just getting even for being Swiftboated? How mischaracterized this great American was. Tossed his war medals to make a statement who he was and his objection to who America was.
I don't see any benefit to assisting Israel in striking the Iranian nuclear facilities in terms of foreign policy strategy for the US. All of Israel's enemies are fighting each other right now. Iran is losing blood and treasure in Syria as well as their proxy Hezbollah. Sanctions have worked and a strike on Iran would only galvanize public support for the immensely unpopular regime.
Israel cannot let Iran get a nuke. Iran is dedicated to Israel's destruction. An agreement that allows Iran's nuke program to proceed, which Obama seems to be pursuing, will destabilize the entire region and likely force Israel to act, unilaterally if necessary.
Originally posted by WVPATX:
Israel cannot let Iran get a nuke. Iran is dedicated to Israel's destruction. An agreement that allows Iran's nuke program to proceed, which Obama seems to be pursuing, will destabilize the entire region and likely force Israel to act, unilaterally if necessary.
It's all lip service. Iran is not stupid enough to use a nuclear weapon against Israel. I do agree a nuclear arms race between Saudi Arabia and Iran could be a huge problem for the entire region. Saudi Arabia is offering to assist Israel in striking Iran. Is that not a little too convenient?
Iran scares the daylights out of the Arab countries in the region. Allowing them to get a nuke will be catastrophic. Even the UN recognizes this. Obama is actually forcing Israel to act.

This post was edited on 2/26 6:45 PM by WVPATX
How could you blame Israel for pre-emptive strike with the indication of where US would be with Obama.