Ken Starr steps down as Baylor Chancellor...

This has been going on for a while - claiming ignorance of the facts, not being fully briefed, etc. is a ridiculous excuse. If what he claims is true, then he obviously has had his head buried in the sand with instructions to everyone around him to not tell him.

Starr told ESPN that he was doing so as "a matter of conscience."

A little late for the 'ol conscience to kick in - after all of the investigations by outside sources seemed to have triggered it.
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If my theory is right, then the hammer is coming down quickly (less than a month) and hard.
Concerning his past role as chief investigator of President Clinton, I guess payback is a bitch....Not saying Clinton was guiltless, far from it, but there was just something partisan and fanatical about how he conducted that investigation.
Concerning his past role as chief investigator of President Clinton, I guess payback is a bitch....Not saying Clinton was guiltless, far from it, but there was just something partisan and fanatical about how he conducted that investigation.
You do realize every expansion of the Clinton investigation require approval by Janet Reno, right?
Concerning his past role as chief investigator of President Clinton, I guess payback is a bitch....Not saying Clinton was guiltless, far from it, but there was just something partisan and fanatical about how he conducted that investigation.

Yup. He led a near decade long witch hunt against Bill Clinton and yet said today he still fully backs Briles. If you look in the dictionary for the definition of "Hypocritical, sanctimonious sack of sh!t." there will be a picture of Ken Starr's smiling face looking back at you.
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Yup. He led a near decade long witch hunt against Bill Clinton and yet said today he still fully backs Briles. If you look in the dictionary for the definition of "Hypocritical, sanctimonious sack of sh!t." there will be a picture of Ken Starr's smiling face looking back at you.
He was appointed In 1994, so it was hardly a decade long. He completed his initial investigation and exonerated President Clinton concerning Vince Foster and said not enough evidence was found to justify continued investigation on Whitewater. But recurring accusations of multiple incidents of sexual harassment but Predident Clinton were uncovered. Starr took the evident to AG Reno who authorized the expansion of the investigation.
Kudos to Ken Starr for stepping down. He was the one who brought in the outside investigators and now
Yup. He led a near decade long witch hunt against Bill Clinton and yet said today he still fully backs Briles. If you look in the dictionary for the definition of "Hypocritical, sanctimonious sack of sh!t." there will be a picture of Ken Starr's smiling face looking back at you.

Where do you get this idea that he "fully backs" Briles. Here is what he said in the article linked above:

"Coach Briles - and I don’t have all the facts on it - Coach Briles was a players coach, but he also was a very powerful father figure," Starr said. "He, through the assistant coaches, to the best of my knowledge, said ‘here are the rules.’ And they were fairly quick, they’re forgiving I will admit it, and that’s the same way I am. But he has real gifts and he wants the best for these young men. He wants them to get an education. He’s a great encourager. That’s what that program is. But clearly there were things that were extremely disturbing and disquieting.”

That is less than a full endorsement.
Starr is the one who instigated the investigation that has led to all of the fall out.
Please remember that before you may charge someone with sanctimonious BS .... because if you don't remember that then you're the one who sounds like they are dispensing sanctimonious BS.
Please. It was a Republican witch hunt and we both know it.
I think everything investigated was worth investigating. I don't think congress should have sought impeachment. I think Starr did his job. I think the Republicans took the opportunity smear the Democrats in the biggest way possible. Probably the biggest overplay of a hand in the history of politics. The Republicans damaged their brand in a big way and have never recovered.
Ken Starr had no choice but to 'step' down. None! How much 'out the door' money did Baylor give him? Try and find out.
I think everything investigated was worth investigating. I don't think congress should have sought impeachment. I think Starr did his job. I think the Republicans took the opportunity smear the Democrats in the biggest way possible. Probably the biggest overplay of a hand in the history of politics. The Republicans damaged their brand in a big way and have never recovered.

Clinton did the smearing himself.
Kudos to Ken Starr for stepping down. He was the one who brought in the outside investigators and now

Where do you get this idea that he "fully backs" Briles. Here is what he said in the article linked above:

"Coach Briles - and I don’t have all the facts on it - Coach Briles was a players coach, but he also was a very powerful father figure," Starr said. "He, through the assistant coaches, to the best of my knowledge, said ‘here are the rules.’ And they were fairly quick, they’re forgiving I will admit it, and that’s the same way I am. But he has real gifts and he wants the best for these young men. He wants them to get an education. He’s a great encourager. That’s what that program is. But clearly there were things that were extremely disturbing and disquieting.”

That is less than a full endorsement.

LOL - You're really going out of your way to praise this guy.
LOL - You're really going out of your way to praise this guy.

I'm not praising him. I just have a real problem with people who are vilifying him. People act like there was an investigation that discovered his role and then the school and Starr were forced to act when in fact he was the first one to act by starting the investigation. That is a very significant fact that many are overlooking.

People need to get their facts straight. I find a number of posters to be more of a "hypocritical, sanctimonious sack of sh!t" than Ken Starr.

Here is one definition of sanctimonious: pretending to be morally better than other people

When has Starr ever indicated that he saw himself as being morally better than others?
Do posters on this board (or even in this thread) cast themselves as morally better than Starr and others?
We can question Starr's judgment over the last couple of years or wonder about how much he actually knew. But other than some sanctimonious rants by people who ignore that Starr started the investigation I've heard nothing that suggests to me that Starr was operating in a way that he was trying to cover up anything.

But I understand the need to vilify people .... it makes some feel morally superior.
Did Ken Starr get any 'out the door' money as he made his exit at Baylor? Don't be so quick to answer this.
We can question Starr's judgment over the last couple of years or wonder about how much he actually knew. But other than some sanctimonious rants by people who ignore that Starr started the investigation I've heard nothing that suggests to me that Starr was operating in a way that he was trying to cover up anything.

But I understand the need to vilify people .... it makes some feel morally superior.

You may be correct but I don't believe the PH report has been released. We do know Starr has resigned so I doubt the report will be as flattering to him as you are being. Briles made a public statement yesterday and stated the investigation wasn't independent and met predetermined outcomes - which would seem like a shot at Starr, who supposedly selected the team.

You're blatantly going out of your way to praise Starr, which considering the situation is definitely odd. I don't feel the need to vilify him but there's no purpose in defending him either. Some very bad things occurred under his leadership and no one at Baylor has earned enough good will for a public defense - yet.
I didn't know that feller Starr................and I doubt the folks around here that are praising him did either. What gives?
I didn't know that feller Starr................and I doubt the folks around here that are praising him did either. What gives?
You don't seems to know what severance Starr may or may not have received but that doesn't seem to stop you from opining. What gives?
I think everything investigated was worth investigating. I don't think congress should have sought impeachment. I think Starr did his job. I think the Republicans took the opportunity smear the Democrats in the biggest way possible. Probably the biggest overplay of a hand in the history of politics. The Republicans damaged their brand in a big way and have never recovered.
I would argue that damage began with Nixon and continued with Reaganomics, but I'll concur the 90s weren't a good time to be a Republican based on the leaders at that time.

I wonder if Libertarian membership has skyrocketed?
You may be correct but I don't believe the PH report has been released. We do know Starr has resigned so I doubt the report will be as flattering to him as you are being. Briles made a public statement yesterday and stated the investigation wasn't independent and met predetermined outcomes - which would seem like a shot at Starr, who supposedly selected the team.

You're blatantly going out of your way to praise Starr, which considering the situation is definitely odd. I don't feel the need to vilify him but there's no purpose in defending him either. Some very bad things occurred under his leadership and no one at Baylor has earned enough good will for a public defense - yet.

I really don't see what I have said as being "praise" or as "defending" him.

As you say .... the PH report has not been made public. So .... just as it is too early to "praise" him, it is also too early to vilify him. We agree on that. But not all others do.

Personally I think if we ever know the whole story Starr is going to come off as looking very naive and incompetent ... as way too trusting of Art Briles, ... so much so that it will be unbelievable. But Starr will still be the one who pulled the thread on the investigation that caused everything to unravel.

Everything else that Starr has done relative to this situation may be highly questionable or worse. But by all reports he is the one who got the ball rolling on the investigation.

If you want to call that praise then it is only praise for one single action in a potential sea of stupidity. I only magnify that one point because just about all who vilify him completely ignore it.
You don't seems to know what severance Starr may or may not have received but that doesn't seem to stop you from opining. What gives?
Cajunboy................I am just asking questions....................just like you. Why you wanna butt heads with ole Warez?

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