Jodi Arias gets life w/o parole...

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
now to be honest, if I was a prison guard and had the chance to hit it...I would.
She is looking less nice lately. I don't know if she's just one of those types that won't age well or if the stress of all this is wearing on her. But 5-10 years ago she truly was stunning.

The sad part (aside from her killing Travis I mean) is that she should have been in charge but instead she let him be in charge. With half a brain she could have done anything she wanted and had any man she wanted. Travis, in addition to not being a looker, was according to what I read basically a big BSer. He was one of those "Act like you're the sh** and people will believe it" guy. And Jodi did believe it. She shouldn't have wasted five minutes on that guy but instead she wrapped her whole life around him and then couldn't take it when she finally figured out he was only use her for sex (which should have been obvious to her from the start).