It's so great watching POTUS whine and humiliate Sessions.


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2002
Sessions needs to hang in there, make Trump fire him. Trump just looks like a tool picking at him daily.
Famed hippie liberal Ben Shapiro, "1. President Tough Guy McBallsy Doesn’t Have The Spine To Fire Sessions Openly. Instead of merely calling Sessions on the carpet and firing him, he’s now passive-aggressively tweeting him, hoping Sessions will resign. This makes the third time during his administration that he has edged someone out without openly firing them: first, he edged out National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, claiming that Flynn embarrassed Vice President Mike Pence, when it’s pretty clear that isn’t the case; then he attempted to hide behind a letter from deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein to fire FBI director James Comey; now he’s sending Sessions mean notes like a high school girl, trying to get him to leave. Where’s the “you’re fired” guy from TV?"

LOL. Good to see Jeffy's Senate friends stand up for him too.
Famed hippie liberal Ben Shapiro, "1. President Tough Guy McBallsy Doesn’t Have The Spine To Fire Sessions Openly. Instead of merely calling Sessions on the carpet and firing him, he’s now passive-aggressively tweeting him, hoping Sessions will resign. This makes the third time during his administration that he has edged someone out without openly firing them: first, he edged out National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, claiming that Flynn embarrassed Vice President Mike Pence, when it’s pretty clear that isn’t the case; then he attempted to hide behind a letter from deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein to fire FBI director James Comey; now he’s sending Sessions mean notes like a high school girl, trying to get him to leave. Where’s the “you’re fired” guy from TV?"

LOL. Good to see Jeffy's Senate friends stand up for him too.

You know Shapiro was openly opposed to Trump's candidacy, so this quote is not surprising at all.
Famed hippie liberal Ben Shapiro, "1. President Tough Guy McBallsy Doesn’t Have The Spine To Fire Sessions Openly. Instead of merely calling Sessions on the carpet and firing him, he’s now passive-aggressively tweeting him, hoping Sessions will resign. This makes the third time during his administration that he has edged someone out without openly firing them: first, he edged out National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, claiming that Flynn embarrassed Vice President Mike Pence, when it’s pretty clear that isn’t the case; then he attempted to hide behind a letter from deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein to fire FBI director James Comey; now he’s sending Sessions mean notes like a high school girl, trying to get him to leave. Where’s the “you’re fired” guy from TV?"

LOL. Good to see Jeffy's Senate friends stand up for him too.
And it all has nothing to do with Sessions' ability to do his job as AG to uphold the laws to protect our country. It has everything to do with Biff using Sessions as a tool to cover his ass.
LOL. Nevermind guys, that hippie didn't like Trump before so any criticism is invalid. I forgot the rulez.

I'm not saying its invalid, its very valid.

Just don't be surprised by it with Shapiro.
I'm not saying its invalid, its very valid.

Just don't be surprised by it with Shapiro.
Surprised that an intelligent conservative calls Trump out? No. And I'll never tire of it.

Trump's approval is dipping under 40% now, his staff lacks cohesiveness, and it's obvious that he'll never accomplish anything big.

So why waste all your time bashing your own hand picked people on twitter?
And it all has nothing to do with Sessions' ability to do his job as AG to uphold the laws to protect our country. It has everything to do with Biff using Sessions as a tool to cover his ass.
I wonder why now? So close to the report that Mueller was looking in to Trump's finances. Do you think he asked Sessions to fire Mueller and Sessions refused?
And it all has nothing to do with Sessions' ability to do his job as AG to uphold the laws to protect our country. It has everything to do with Biff using Sessions as a tool to cover his ass.
I think you guys are just pissing in the wind. Another talking point for today. Trump has no problem terminating anyone he loses faith in. He has taken on the VA which has been a problem because there was a hands off of the union. No fear to remove someone that thinks they have The Donald by the balls.

Rumored that he is building case for Mueller and his recruits. Open purse with no oversight. Trump will help him with oversight. Also needs someone with history to approach Clintons. Jeff has been around to build cases there. Obama and his absolute power with his AGs needs some daylight. Sessions has got to prove that he appears clean and pure to do the unthinkable of bringing charges against prior administration(s).
I wonder why now? So close to the report that Mueller was looking in to Trump's finances. Do you think he asked Sessions to fire Mueller and Sessions refused?
It's in his tweets -- he's pissed that Sessions recused himself and so can't help him cover his ass. And being recused, Sessions also can't fire Mueller because he was hired by Rod Rosenstein and not Sessions. Of course, Trump could force them all out like Nixon did in the Saturday Night Massacre ... but I'd bet that somebody who's aware of the historical parallel has an article of impeachment for obstruction in draft if he does it.
It's in his tweets -- he's pissed that Sessions recused himself and so can't help him cover his ass. And being recused, Sessions also can't fire Mueller because he was hired by Rod Rosenstein and not Sessions. Of course, Trump could force them all out like Nixon did in the Saturday Night Massacre ... but I'd bet that somebody who's aware of the historical parallel has an article of impeachment for obstruction in draft if he does it.
Sessions recused himself 4 months ago. Has Trump stewed over that decision for 4 months? Sheesh.