It's crazy those NY guys were plotting to join ISIS and kill Obama

speaking of terrorists and jobs...did you see where supposedly Jihad Johnny (the Brit who has been on a lot of the recent captive killings) is from a very wealthy family and is well educated...but yet he just needs a job.
It actually makes perfect sense.

That is, based on your contention that ISIS is killing more Muslims than Christians.

Just more Muslim on Muslim violence.

Allahu Akbar!
Re: It actually makes perfect sense.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
That is, based on your contention that ISIS is killing more Muslims than Christians.

Just more Muslim on Muslim violence.

Allahu Akbar!
Is there a Hadji version of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? I can't wait for those press conferences.
I guess they didn't get the memo from Obama that global warming is a bigger

threat than terrorism.
You mean the "Reverands"?

It's amazing how easy it is to become a "Man of God", heh?

Whether you personally agree with it or not (Theism that is), have you ever heard either of those "Reverands" proclaiming faith in Christ moreso than pimping out manufactured race issues oe exacerbating legitimate race issues for personal gain?

I certainly haven't.

We're talking the same man (Jackson) who referenced New York as "Hymietown" during that preposterous Presidential campaign.

They fit the radical Left stereotype even more than Ann Coulter fits the radical Right mantra. That takes some doing.
Re: What prayer rug have you been living under for the past few months?

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
Exact words from Obama:

For all the immediate challenges that we gather to address this week -- terrorism, instability, inequality, disease -- there's one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate."
Cue the "Well that came from FoxNews so it can't be trusted" crowd to chime in.
Tell you what I don't trust ............... GOVERNMENT.

And strangely, neither did our first leaders. They knew the dangers of what they were forming and knew it would eventually enslave the masses and corrupt the elect.

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." ~ Thomas Jefferson

"To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." ~ George Mason

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." ~ Benjamin Franklin

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good consience to remain silent." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Re: Tell you what I don't trust ............... GOVERNMENT.

in the spirit of truth, and not to flame, in what realm is our government currently creating tyranny, especially tyranny in the context described by the founding fathers?
Boredom ??? Do you need work? My local Costco needs...

someone to help customers pick out frames.
Privacy is most certainly on the decline .........

............ and there will ultimately be a REAL push (not just wishful lip service by Marxists) to come for methods of defense (read guns).

We have already had rare events where towns were under martial law ..... all while clueless citizens stand along the curb and wave at militairized police as they chant, "USA! USA!".

Blind, blind, blind.

Look at how the majority of societies across this globe have lived over time. Baby doll, it's not been a largely free world. It will be the same here. That is unless you are so obtuse to not understand that Democrats and Republicans stand underneath the same collectivist umbrella.
tyranny, in the sense expressed by the forefathers, is oppression

naturally there are degrees of oppression and other violations considered oppressive.

I can see privacy a concern but not described as our founders declined tyranny. This isn't to shrug off problems with privacy.

you speak often of the future in appoclypic and as eventual event which is fine and at times entertaining, but tyranny quoted by the founders and examples of tyranny by our government now to match the concern of the forefathers is still hanging in the rafters of hyperbole.

I would like to think, in America specifically, life for individuals is POTENTIALLY a 100 times better than life for those in 1776. I am not sure I am experience tyranny at levels seen during the escape from it to found this country thereafter or see it as a crisis of eventually. That is not to say it won't. I just don't see the sense of urgency to crush tyranny where it may not exist. Again, true tyranny. It is a word loosely thrown around as if another Hilter or Stalin or King James is looking over my shoulder.
Re: What prayer rug have you been living under for the past few months?

Of course he didn't say what rog said he said, I don't see the word "bigger" in there. Change the words, change the meaning. I don't see what the big deal is. People and/or the prez can be concerned about and take immediate (or urgent) action on more than one issue at one time, right? More right wing mincing of words, another slow news day I guess except at Fox where this "story" is urgent.
Re: Ahhhhh .......... Dawg nailed it.

I don't care where this "story" is covered but obviously right wing journalists, conservative messge board posters or anyone else who hates the prez would be more than happy to put their spin on his remarks. You did provide a Fox link though.
Has it not ALREADY been apocalyptic?

I would think a society (read America) that gleaned people were either being shoved into ovens or lifelessly into open Earth, and knew that the very real possibility of such atrocities coming here was a breath away .......... or in this instance, one brutal Russian winter away .......... would have considered that to be quite apocalyptic with freedom hanging in the balance.

I'm also pretty sure that World War ushers in oppression, tyranny, and horrors of unthinkable proportions.

Thus, if me telling you that the World Wars won't stop at a deuce and that is somehow 'entertaining' to you and a work of fiction, then hey, more power to you, brother. You never know, maybe you and I will meet at our own furnace for 1 last smoke and talk about how funny life is and talk about the whimsy of global calamity ..... which happened before and will tee it up again.

Those history books are in circulation for a reason.
I'm sure hatred towards Bush (who I detested myself) was acceptable, right?

It's pretty clear you are a mindless drone who is partisan beyond all comprehension ............... partisanship, may I add, being a surefire qualifier for the "Muttonhead of the Year" award.

Any person who possesses a voter's registration card baring loyalty towards a political party may as well hand in their nuts and brain (clearly smaller than their nuts) in at the next depot.

This post was edited on 2/26 11:32 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: Ahhhhh .......... Dawg nailed it.

I don't personally hate Obama...hate is a strong word not to be used lightly IMO...I think he is a poor leader and I don't agree with some of his positions, policies, priorities.
Re: Has it not ALREADY been apocalyptic?

you have advanced the conversaton to predict an eventually of end already begun. Fine, but where is the current tyranny on the american population by our government?
Re: I'm sure hatred towards Bush (who I detested myself) was acceptable, right?

lol better luck next thread Mr. Apocalypse.
That will depend on staging the right event, now wouldn't it?

Oops ....... "staged event".

That was crass. After all, that would be making the huge leap that government is corrupt and moving the country towards collectivism.

Mea culpa.
Oh, so you liked George W?

I must have missed that chestnut.

What did you like best about the man?

Did you incessantly shill for him the way you fellate Obama?

Eight Ball (shakes) says "Not Likely".
Is oppression by taxation tyranny?

And I'm not including just income taxes. I'm including the nickel and dime taxes that they throw on every service nowadays. And now health insurance.

The middle class has been clobbered, meanwhile, adjusted income has been flat for 50 years.
it most certainly can be

this is a great example of tyranny and the potential for more tyranny with a reaction by a subpopulation of our country to say it is not tyranny. However, I will say here, such an interpretation of "tyranny" by individual or collective taxation will likely vary by political affliation.