It Will Be the Decision of the American People to Fight for our Constitutional Republic or Submit to Tyranny


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

The Biden regime, together with its allies in the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party, consider those natural rights, not unalienable endowed by the Creator, but as privileges dispensed or withdrawn according to the convenience of the state.

Call it globalism, communism or neo-Feudalism, the intent is the same, to establish a world government by an international ruling class, who exploit the land for personal profit and rule over billions of people without liberty or property.

The usurper Biden has already declared that our rights guaranteed under the Constitution are “not absolute” and is actively in the process of eliminating them, in particular, the Second Amendment, upon which all of our other freedoms depend.

The totalitarian Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum said, “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

Is the Biden regime’s ongoing deliberate demolition of the U.S. economy a North American sequel to Mao Zedong’s 1958 to 1962 Great Leap Forward, a policy that led to the deaths of up to 45 million Chinese, easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder in history?

Do Americans really want to wait to find out?
“The Legislative has no right to absolute, arbitrary power over the lives and fortunes of the people.”

Can any American today honestly believe that Washington, D.C. represents the interests of and is accountable to the people as defined by the U.S. Constitution?

The Democrat Party has permanent control of the federal bureaucracy, which is composed of unelected officials, who have the power to comprehensively regulate our lives and punish us when we don’t comply.

The Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in particular, have become political weapons against Democrat Party opponents, which has created a two-tier system of justice.

In our current de facto one-party state, Republicans play the role of court eunuchs.

The Republican Party has seceded from its voters and should be abandoned as a political vehicle capable of providing any effective opposition to the Biden regime, the Democrats or the mainstream media. It too is a party of the ruling class and the Deep State.

Once elected, members of Congress serve only their own interests, and that of their party and its wealthy donors. Petitioning Congress for the redress of grievances is an exercise in futility.

Now that our elections have proven to be a sham and our political system has been shown to be hopelessly corrupt, Americans who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law must choose either to resist or to submit to a one-party totalitarian state.

The United States is no longer a functioning constitutional republic.

American Colonists eventually realized that freedom could only be secured by the action of those who desire it, not as an indulgence granted by distant rulers.

Likewise, there will be no restoration of our constitutional republic emanating from Washington, D.C. from where it has been systematically dismantled to sustain a system riddled with greed and corruption.

If history is any indicator, do not expect the predicted Republican “red wave” in the November mid-term elections to significantly change anything in Washington D.C.

True change can only arise bottom-up. In the end, it will be the decision of the American people to fight for our constitutional republic or submit to tyranny.
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I don't hate the idea of the United States of America. I don't hate the idea. I love it, actually. But the country I stand in now, today, is not that idea. It is sick parody of what it was supposed to be. It was destroyed from within.

This happened because the men who were supposed to defend it, were sent by goblins and golems in government, over and over again, to die on foreign shores for foreign interests. Never once, not since 1812, has an American army been called to defend an American border.

And right now, an invasion that makes Normandy look like a trifle is happening at our southern border. Millions of invaders, mostly war-age males, are pouring across our border. And where are America's young men at arms? Defending a filthy Jew comedian larping as the president of a country none of us knows about, or cares about.

And who sent them there? What is supposed to be our own federal government. What is in fact, a feckless Bolshevik puppet regime, controlled by an organization in Switzerland of all places, run by a malevolent, White-hating Jew. And we all know it. Meanwhile, that same Bolshevik puppet regime is busy ordering hospitals to murder our loved ones, destroying our economy, threatening to starve us this winter, and crippling our ability to produce energy of any kind.

This is our own ersatz federal government doing this to us. And this, ladies and gents, is treason.

Happy Independence Day.

#WakeUpAmerica #FightBack #RevokeConsent

Unfortunately America has become a globalist empire for evil. Exporting homosexuality, pedophilia, transgenderism, critical race theory, godless hedonism and the rejection of any moral or rational order.

Even those celebrating today aren’t celebrating America as it is, but are attempting to celebrate what it was and what they dream it to be.

We live in a dying, degenerate days of a collapsing empire. And that leaves very little to celebrate
Watching the video of the 100 year old WWII vet breaking down at what America has become was heartbreaking and infuriating. I'm not sure this gets fixed by voting either.
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