It was Loretta Lynch's fault Trumplethinskin Jr. had a meeting with the Russians...

At what point do we stop using Obama and Clinton as cancellations of Trump's actions?
Never happen........Why would we stop when we have such a treasure trove of material to use. With President Obama it was just politics as usual, no different than most Presidents.....With the Clintons its pure slime and greed.
That will be sorted out. But the campaign had no contact, no collusion, no discussion with anything russian. Trumplethinskin and his mouthpieces have repeated that lie a thousand times.
I guess it will...but I think some are grasping at straws with everything that is public knowledge as of now.
And I'll say this, the Russian lawyer should be investigated - how did she get into the country, how did she get in touch with DJTjr, etc., who were her contacts leading up to the meeting with DJTjr? If we're going to put our tin foil hat on, then we'd better use the whole box.
Live in an old steel town outside of Pittsburgh with 70 / 75% registered Democrats. Betting 99% don't give a rats*## about some meeting with a Russian. Trump carried town by a comfortable margin in last election. Could be wrong but don't think so.
The only people who care about this nonesense are the outraged who lost and want to see Trump out of the office. Obama told Russia to stop and that was enough for them until Trump won.
And I'll say this, the Russian lawyer should be investigated - how did she get into the country, how did she get in touch with DJTjr, etc., who were her contacts leading up to the meeting with DJTjr? If we're going to put our tin foil hat on, then we'd better use the whole box.
If the DOJ allowed Natasha in the Country due to "extraordinary circumstances," said circumstances should be easy to track down as a matter of record.
Live in an old steel town outside of Pittsburgh with 70 / 75% registered Democrats. Betting 99% don't give a rats*## about some meeting with a Russian. Trump carried town by a comfortable margin in last election. Could be wrong but don't think so.
Nixon won by a landslide. many people didn't care that the President lied and engaged in a criminal conspiracy. Many people are stupid. Thankfully there are still some Repubs who care about the rule of law. Like McCain and Graham.
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Nixon won by a landslide. many people didn't care that the President lied and engaged in a criminal conspiracy. Many people are stupid. Thankfully there are still some Repubs who care about the rule of law. Like McCain and Graham.
Agree, ....... Most didn't care that Obama lied to the American people about healthcare.
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Nixon won by a landslide. many people didn't care that the President lied and engaged in a criminal conspiracy. Many people are stupid. Thankfully there are still some Repubs who care about the rule of law. Like McCain and Graham.
Too bad all democrats care about is power and fuking over the little guy.
Nixon won by a landslide. many people didn't care that the President lied and engaged in a criminal conspiracy. Many people are stupid. Thankfully there are still some Repubs who care about the rule of law. Like McCain and Graham.
Nothing wrong with following the rule of law...but maybe we should wait and see if a law was broken first...and investigate all aspects.
The rule of law only applies to people who disagree with liberal dogma.
It's the same folks on here that were ready to convict Zimmerman over the Martin shooting. Instead of waiting for all the evidence to be heard/seen by a jury they convicted Zimmerman... they have the audacity to talk about the rule of law. Lets get all the evidence in and have it judged.